Kusenova Asiya Sabirgaliyevna


Faculty of power engineering, automation and telecommunications

PhD in Chemistry

Senior Lecturer

In 1980 she graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Physics of Karaganda State University.
He has been working at KSTU since 2010. Scientific direction “Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy”. It is a department chair.
Has more than 25 publications.

Contact information: Phone: 8 (7212) 56-59-32 (ext.2027)

«Кванттық физика» бөлімі бойынша «Фотоэлемент сипаттамаларын зерттеу» тақырыбындағы №4.8 зертханалық жұмысқа арналған       

Features of radiolysis of sodium sulfate crystalline hydrate

Ядролық физика

Nuclear physics