Togaibayeva Luyssiya

Тогайбаева Люсия Исламовна



Full name, date of birth.

Togaibayeva Lyussiya Islamovna . 07/07/1979

Phone, e - mail , URL .

87015143414, toglusia @ mail . ru , Kazakhstan, Karaganda

If the teacher is listed on their university’s website, please indicate this.

https :// person . kstu . kz / togajbaeva - lyusiya - islamovna /

Position (indicate full-time or part-time, if part-time, indicate the type of main activity and the time (in percentage) spent on it).

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU (full time)

What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.

In 2001 graduated from Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Economics and Management in Construction, civil engineer-economist

In 2006,  graduated from graduate school at the Karaganda State Technical University, specialty 080005 “Economics and management of the national economy.”

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

From 2005-2006 she worked as an assistant at the Karaganda State Technical University at the Department of Enterprise Management .

From 2006-2020 she worked at Karaganda State Technical University at

Department of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Marketing.

From 2021 to the present, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and

enterprise management”

Work in other departments and organizations ( specify dates and positions held).


Main scientific interests.

Competitiveness of the construction economy in the Eurasian Economic Community , marketing , HR management, financial management, strategic management.

Major publications over the past 5 years.

1. Y. Petrenko , E. Vechkinzova “Development of creative clusters of a policultural region: challenges for governance” // Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues.- 2019.- P. 447-456

2. Baikenova D.Kh., Vechkinzova E.A. Modern trends in gender equality in employment and poverty in Kazakhstan // Labor Economics. – 2020. – Volume 7. – No. 12. – P. 1201-1216. – doi : 10.18334/et.7.12.111424.

2. I.V. Denisov, E.S. Petrenko, Zh.B. Koshmaganbetova Concept “Business Model” vs concept “Strategy”: dualism of modern views// Creative Economy, M.- 2019.- No. 11.-P.2255-2263

3. Isataeva F.M. Koshmaganbetova Zh.B., Blyalova G.G., Geological and economic assessment of deposit reserves: the experience of Kazakhstan // Problems of geology and subsoil development: proceedings of the XXIV International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov students and young scientists, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. -Tomsk: TPU, 2020.-P.598-599

4. Petrenko Y., Vechkinzova E., Metsik O., Threats to future development related to pecularities of performace of the mining and metallurgical industry// Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2020, 10(1), pp. 291–306

  1. Serdyuk T.V., Analysis of the main indicators of the labor market by region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “XY Saginovsik Readings. Integration of science, education and production” Karaganda : Publishing House of KarTU named after Abylkas Saginova , 2023.-1H.-P.90-92

6. Mamraeva D.G., Tashenova L.V., Ayaganova M.P., Features of the development of inbound and outbound educational tourism: the experience of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series “Economics”, 2023, No. 1(109).-P.191-200.ISSN 2518-1998 ( Print ). ISSN 2663-5097 ( Online ).


Membership in scientific and professional societies.


Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

  • Discipline “Theory and practice of contractual relations”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.
  • Discipline ” Strategic” management and marketing “, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 3.
  • Discipline “Engineering Entrepreneurship Marketing and Business Planning”, spring semester, number of lectures – 12, seminars – 14.


Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally.

Responsible for .


1 From 06/08/2020 until June 20, 2020 completed a refresher course on the topic “Effective use of DOT based on the use of Moodle tools ”, No. KZ OS 000667.

2 From 02.11.2020 on December 18, 2020, according to a comprehensive program, she completed an industrial internship at Karaganda-Nan LLP for 72 hours on the topic.

3 From 03/24/2022 until 04/22/2022 completed an industrial internship at Global-Express LLP for 72 hours on the topic “ Marketing research in the field of market segmentation”

4 From 11/22/2021 until November 26, 2021 took a refresher course on the topic “ Improving teaching skills” in the amount of 40 hours.

5 From October 28, 2021 until 10/30/2021 completed intensive training under the University of Iowa “ Enterpreneurial” program Education Workshop ” in the amount of 40 hours.

6 From 01/03/2024 until January 14, 2024 completed an industrial internship at Global Express LLP for 72 hours on the topic “ Marketing research in the field of market segmentation”

7. – completed training as part of a seminar on the topic “Using the Buffer program for publishing on social media.” Networks”, from 04/17/2023. until 05/19/2023 , Centerenergomekhanizatsiya LLP .

8. passed seminar By course “Entrepreneural Education Workshop, October 28-30, 2021.”