nursultan Tynaev

Тынаев Нурсултан Алтымышевич преподаватель
Higher education, specialty ” Primary military training»

master, teacher of the Department of Professional education and pedagogy.

Information about the current training activities (list of readable disciplines) – Drill, tactical training, the basics of international humanitarian law, the basics of IUU fishing, shooting, technical training, rhbz, CSGO, OVU armed forces of Kazakhstan.

Information about scientific activities: 3 in the journals included in the RSCI,

Total teaching experience-5

Pedagogical experience of the University-1

Individual professional achievements: knowledge of English with a dictionary; computer at the user level

Other additional information –personal qualities, Hobbies, etc.) – responsibility, sociability, hobby – reading books

Official contact information (address, phone, e-mail, Department, faculty) – B. Mira, 56, building № 1, tel. 56-52-33,


Scientific and educational works (references):

List of scientific works (Список трудов)