Zholdybayeva Gulnar Sabitovna, candidate of technical sciences, acting associate professor of thedepartment of «Development of mineral deposits». Zholdybayeva Gulnar Sabitovna, born on June 21, 1964, graduated in 1986 from the Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, specializing in 050506 – Mining machines and complexes, with the qualification of “mining engineer-mechanic”. After graduating from KarPTI:1986-1989 – teacher of the Mining Machines Department of the Karatau branch of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after1989-1992 – Lecturer at the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics;1992-1993 – Research Intern at the Department of Descriptive Geometry at KazNTU named after K. Satpayev1992-1996 – Postgraduate study at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev (KazNTU);1998 – defense in the Dissertation Council of KazNTU for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 050506 – Mining machines;1994–2005 – lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Hoisting and Transport Machines and Hydraulics of KazNTU named after K. Satpayev;From February 1, 2005 to October 1, 2014 – senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Mining Machines and Equipment of KSTU;From 11.11.2014 to 01.09.2015 – Head of the Department of Mining Machinery and Equipment.From 01.09.2015 to 20.08.2018 – Dean of the Transport and Road Faculty of KarSTU.From 20.08.2018 to 05.10.2024 – Dean of the Mining Faculty of KarTU named after A. Saginov.From 05.10.2024 to the present – Acting Associate Professor of the department of «Development of mineral deposits».Has more than 50 scientific, educational and educational-methodical publications.