Zhakulin Adil Sultanovich


                 Full name,date of birth: Zhakulin Adil Sultanovich15 05   1957

Nationality:KazakhPosition: Professor  

Еducation:  Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, specialty “Construction” 1975-1980. 
Qualification:  Civil Engineer
Experience:Production experiencenotScientific and teaching experience–30 y.   – 1989-1992 y.- LecturerCTaA;   - 1992-1999y. – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering;   -1999-2002 y. Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University;     – 2002-2005 y. PhD student of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, Astana;       – 2005-and to the present – Professor of the Department of “Building materials and technology” KSTU.


       – Japan, The 15-th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, november 9-13, 2015, Fukuoka.- Geochina2016   Special Issue «Innovative Infrastructure Technologies Substantiality and Reliabity» Shandong, China, 25-26 july, 2016.- Korea, 19 th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 17-22 september 2017, Seoul.- USA, The second geo-institute Kazakhstan geotechnical society joint workshop. «Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals», Orlando, Florida, 5-8 march, 2018.

The list of readable disciplines:

The theory of designing geotechnical systems according to EN 1997 Eurocode; Geomonitoring and safety in construction; Scientific and technical support of research and construction design; Modern methods for calculating bases and foundations. Publications:
     1. To the calculation of the settlement of single piles in water-saturated soils, Scientific and Technical Journal “Foundations, Foundations and Soil Mechanics” No. 1, 2006, Moscow, ISSN0030-6223, p. 7-11.2. Methods for determining the parameters of soil deformability on a compression device Proceedings of the University KSTU, № 4 (21), 2005, p. 46-47.

  1. Determination of the mechanical characteristics of soils by results of plain load tests Proceedings of the 16 th International Conference on soil Mechanical and Geotechnical engineering, Osaka, Japan, 2005, Volume 2, p. 773-776.

4. Pile-soil interaction in liquefied soil ground of Kazakhstan, Proceeding of Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, Nagoya, Niigata, Japan,   2006.

5. Consolidation of the multilayered, 17rd Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering. Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 October 2009, p 841-842.

6. Geosynthetic Applications Erosion Control, Geosynthetic Applications Erosion Control. Seoul, South Korea. 2011, 23-24 november. p 63-77 p. Keynote lecture.

7. Special features of creep of clayey soils, 18rd Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.   Paris, France, 2013.

8. «Behaviour of laterally loaded pile in chalk (6igs-2015)» Proceedings of the 6th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions (6IGS Chennai 2015), Chennai, India, 21-23 January 2015, p. 405-408.

9. Korea, 19 th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 17-22 September 2017, Seoul, p. 2239-2242

10. USA, The second geo-institute Kazakhstan geotechnical society joint workshop. «Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals», Orlando, Florida, 5-8 march, 2018, p. 108-111.



- ArchitectureI, of KSTU Karagandy, 2014- Designing soil bases and foundations(Geotechnics), of KSTU, 2017- Design of foundations and foundations (Geotechnics) (Tutorial). Evero Publishing, Almaty, 2017- NTS construction of buildings and structures, (Textbook), of KSTU, 2018- Monograph “Deformation of soils of saturated bases” – Saarbrücken, 2015- Monograph “Fundamentals of geotechnical design” – Karaganda, 2015.- Monograph “Geotechnologies қ Jobalau Negіzderі” – Karaganda, 2016


Kazakh – native; Russian – free; English – (with a dictionary).