Zhakenov Bulat Kabyshevich


Full name, date of birth: Zhakenov Bulat Kabyshevich, July 25, 1951

Work experience: the general experience is 47 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience is 45 years.

Position: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda State Technical University, “Automobiles and automobile industry” in 1973.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held: Has been working at KTU since 1973.

Main research interests: research and methods for improving the design of transport equipment.

Main publications:

Subjects read in the academic year: Currently, he conducts lecture, laboratory and practical classes at the branch of the department in Bus Depot No. 3 LLP in the disciplines “Technical operation of automobiles”, “Technological processes of maintenance and TP”, “Road conditions and traffic safety”, “Car service and corporate service.”


Contact details: Work Phone: 59-39-32 (ext .: 2049)

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