Зейтинова Шолпан Бекжигитовна



Mining faculty
Academic degree:
Academic title:

Zeytinova Sholpan Bekzhigitovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Biography: from 2006-2009, assistant of the department of RMPI; from 2009-2010, lecturer of the department of RMPI; From 2010-2019, a senior teacher of the department.

Awards and Prizes:

1. Diploma for 1 place in the Interuniversity student scientific conference “Innovations in engineering, technology and education.” KSTU, 2012
2. A letter of thanks for participating in the Talapker 2013 Entrant exhibition. KSTU, 2013

3. A letter of thanks for active participation in the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Fateful Decisions of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev on the formation of a new Kazakhstan. ” Karaganda, 2013

4. “Thank you note.” For professional excellence and high responsibility shown by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the organization and conduct of testing conducted in order to qualitatively develop the education system. National Testing Center. 2014 year
5. A letter of thanks. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for qualified and professional skills and high responsibility, which were shown during the organization and testing of the education system and the education of a competitive generation. National Testing Center. 2015 year

6. A letter of thanks. Team Leader of the Karaganda State Technical University. For the preparation of the participants of the II stage of the republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions. East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, March 25-26, 2016 the city of Oskemen.
7. Letter of thanks. Letter of thanks. For the preparation of the participants of the II stage of the republican subject Olympiad among students in the specialty 5B070700 “Mining.” East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, 2017, the city of Oskemen.

Zeitinova_rmpi@mail.ru 87004954836