Yessendossova Ainel Nurtasovna

Year of birth: 22.08.1991.


Education: KarSTU «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits, profile – petroleum geophysics» (2013, bachelor’s degree), KarSTU «Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits» (2017, master’s degree); Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical university6D070600 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits» (2024 , doctor degree)

Work experience: Senior Lecturer at the Development of mineral deposits” since 2024 .

Main research interests: in the field of development of mineral deposits.

Achievements: over the past 3 years, the following publications have been published: more than 5 publications of reports from international scientific and practical conferences; 3 articles in journals from the List of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2 articles in journals included in the Scopus and WoS databases .

Advanced training:The first higher technical educational institution in RussiaSaint PetersburgMining University with an internship at the Center for Additionalprofessional education under the program “Methodology of conductinggeophysical work to determine oil and gasproductive horizons”, 2016 scientific internship at the Navoi State Mining Institute (Navoi, Uzbekistan) , 2022 .

Knowledge of languages: Kazakh – native, Russian – fluent, English – above average.

Professional skills and knowledge: geophysical support in computer programs.