Vavilova Oksana Nikolaevna

Вавилова О.Н.2

Full name, date of birth Vavilova Oksana Nikolaevna,


Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) Senior lecturer, full-time job


at which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Architecture”, qualification” Architect”, year of graduation 2002. Academic degree no
Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held 2008-Karaganda State Technical University, assistant of the Department “Construction Production Technology and Architecture”, since 2011 senior lecturer of the Department “Architecture and Design”
Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held) 2003-2008 project work workshop of R. A. Nurbekova, architect
Main research interests Architectural heritage of Karaganda, pedagogy in higher education
Main publications over the past 5 years - “Proceedings of the University”, Karaganda: No. 3, 2019 – “Wind energy-efficient buildings”;

- “Proceedings of the University”, Karaganda: No. 1, 2020 – ” Modern problems of courtyard space- ”

- “Science Sphere”, Smolensk No. 9 (2), 2022 – “The role of communication in the future activity of a future engineer“;

-” University Proceedings“, Karaganda: No. 1(90), 2023 – ”Layout design as a means of research work of architecture students”.

Member of the research group ” Development of innovative training of engineers through HIGHER education “(2021-2023–

- International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Integration of science, education and production-the basis for implementing the national plan “(Sagin Readings No. 11), Karaganda: KSTU, 2019 – “Modern problems of courtyard space”;

- International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Saginovsky Readings No. 12), Karaganda: KSTU, 2020 – “Playgrounds in the courtyard”;

- International scientific and practical online conference “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Saginovsky Readings No. 13) Map2021 – “Relevance of preserving the heritage of Soviet architecture”;

- International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Integration of Science, education and production-the basis for implementing the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 14), Karaganda: KarTU im. Abylkasa Saginova, 2022 – “Problems of preserving architectural monuments of the modernist era on the example of the Karaganda circus”;

International Scientific and Practical Conference” XV Sagin Readings. Integration of education, science and production. “Karaganda: Map of them. Abylkasa Saginova, 2023 – ” Problems of organizing architectural styles on the example of Mira Boulevard in Karaganda”

Membership in scientific and professional societies -
Awards and prizes awarded -
Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes / SRSP autumn semester:

OP “Architecture”

“History of Architecture”;

“Fundamentals of architectural design”;

OP ” Design“

“History and theory of material culture and design ”

“Interior design of a public building”

” Small architectural forms”

“Modern design”

” Renovation of an object with a change in its functional purpose”

“Pre-graduate project ”

Lectures-10 hours, seminars-15 hours, SRSP-6 hours

spring semester:

OP” Architecture

“Interior design”

“Production practice 1”

“Production practice 2 ”

Diploma design

of OP” Design

“Interior design of a public building“

“Organization of yard space”

“Pre-graduate practice ”

Diploma design

of Lectures – 4 hours, SRSP-3 hours

. Other duties performed during the academic year, the number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally Composing RUPS, recording and distributing the academic load, responsible for academic mobility, conducting an Olympiad for schoolchildren, curator – 5 hours per week, points are awarded for receiving differentiated payment
Advanced training 28.11.2023 – 25.12.2023 “Interdisciplinary collaboration in the scientific and pedagogical activities of a university teacher” in the amount of 36 hours КарТУимени Abylkas Saginov map;20.11.2023

-20.12.2023 “Methodology for developing an architectural project taking into account modern requirements for design stages and conditions” in the amount of 144 hours, “Project Bureau Basis” LLP, Karaganda;

12.01.24 “Negotiation process skills” in the amount of 6 hours, State Institution “Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region”, Karaganda city