Urazbaev Khamit Kurentaevich

Urazbaev Khamit Kurentaevich.

Faculty of Innovative Technologies.

Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan. Urazbaev Khamit Kurentaevich, candidate of historical sciences, graduate of E.A. Buketov KarSU. Has scientific and pedagogical work experience of over 30 years.
While working at KarTU named after. Abylkas Saginov has established himself on the positive side as a competent, responsible and highly qualified specialist with extensive theoretical training, rich experience in pedagogical and scientific educational work in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has over 70 published scientific works, is the author of teaching aids and articles.
1. Textbook: “History of Kazakhstan” Karaganda 2002.

2. Textbook: “History of Kazakhstan. Karaganda 2005

3. Textbook: “Kazakhstan Tarikhs” Karaganda 2012.

4. Textbook: “Kazakhstan Tarikhs” Karaganda 2015.

5. Textbook: “Modern history of Kazakhstan” Karaganda 2018

6. Textbook: “Kazakhstannyn kazyrgy zamangy tarikhy” Karaganda 2019.
7. “History of the formation and development of the Karaganda Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1969-2009) Karaganda 2009 (co-author)

8. “Police of Kazakhstan. The main stages of formation and development” Karaganda 2005 (co-author).

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kh. K. Urazbaev.
