Tokumbayeva Aliya Aytbayevna

Токумбаева Алия  Айтбаевна_преподаватель каф ИЯEducation:

E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, Foreign Philology, 25.05.2015, teacher of foreign languages.

RF, BashGU, 06.02.2020, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

  • Work experience

Since October 2017 – a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages at Saginov Technical University;

2000-2007 – teacher of foreign languages in School No.30 in Zhairem settlement.

2007-2015 – teacher of foreign languages in KSU “Boarding School for Children with Special Needs” Karaganda.

2015-2017 – teacher of English at the secondary school № 81 in Karaganda city.

  • Scientific activity

-  Article «Модификаторы – усилители степени интенсивности действия в башкирском и казахском языках». Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Проблемы эффективного использования научного потенциала общества». – (г. Пермь) Уфа: Изд-во Омега-Сайнс, 2017. – С.112-114

- Article «Ұлы дала жырауы Қалқаманұлы Бұқар жырау» — Қазақстан Республикасы Елбасының «Болашаққа бағдар: Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында Бұқар жырау Қалқаманұлының 350 жылдық мерейтойына арналған «Ұлы дала жырауы» Республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. – Қарағанды қ.: ҚарМТУ баспасы, 2018. – Б.161-165

- Tutorial «Professional English in Communication Systems and Radio Electronics» Teaching book. Tutorial. Karaganda State Technical University- Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2018. – 86 p.

- CIC «English for Transport Construction Engineering» № 1074 of 21 December 2018г.

- Article «Қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінде амалдың қарқындылығын білдіретін тілдік құралдар»Bulletin of Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University. Series Philological. – Kokshetau: Izdvo: KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, №4(1)/2020. – С.136-141

- Article «Тілдіңгендерлікаспектісітуралытүсінік. Гендерліклингвистиканыңшығутегіментүпкісебептері». – Scientific Journal “Internauka”, No. 14(284). Part 7. Moscow, Izd. “Internauka”, 2023. – с. 46-50

- Article «Distance learning as one of the promising forms of education for students of the correspondence faculty»Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference. Modern scientific potential – 2022. – Sheffield, Science and education, 2022. – P.20-25

- Article «Directions of Implementation of Modern Approaches to Education» Materials of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference. Innovative Processes Management in the Context of Education and Science Modernization – Dusseldorf, Germany: Regional Academy of Management, 2022. –P.108-112

- Article «To the question of phraseological variations in borrowing words» Scientific Almanac. – Tambov, OOO “Consulting Company Yukom”, №4-3(90)/2022. – С.81-87

- СИС «Practical English for Science and Engineering» №34771 от 18.04.2023г.

- Textbook for all specialities «Professional English for STEM students» – “Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University” Publ.House, 2023 – 212p.

  • Subjects and courses read in the current academic year – Foreign Language, Professionally Oriented Foreign Language.
  • Member of the KOC of the Foreign Language Department, responsible for the DOT department of the Foreign Language Department.
  • Professional development

1) Participated in a workshop on “CyberTrainer – learning that changes learning”, conducted by Dorin Isoc, a foreign scientist, Doctor of Engineering, Professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), on 21 November 2019.

2) Completed two online courses “English for Media Literacy” and “English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics” on the educational portal Coursera and received the corresponding certificates of successful completion of the courses (February-March 2020), as well as a certificate for participation in the project of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and the Regional Office of English at the U.S. Embassy with KazTEA instructors in the amount of 80 hours (January-May 2020).

3) I took advanced training courses “Cyberculture, cyber hygiene and work with big data” for 72 hours (18.10-28.10.2021).

4) Participated in training course “Improving Pedagogical Skills” for 40 hours (22.11-26.11.2021).

5) Completed the course “Blended Language Learning: Design and Practice for Teachers” on the educational platform “Coursera”, May 27, 2024 – 72 hours.

6) Received TKT Module 3 certificate “Managing the teaching and learning process”, 24.01.2024.