Ten Aksana Valerievna

Тен А.В.

Faculty: Architecture and Civil Engineering
Department: Russian language and culture
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Position: teacher


2005-2009 – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian Language and Literature” (Bachelor of Russian language and Literature);

2009-2011 – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Faculty of Economics, specialty ” Economics “(Bachelor of Economics and Business);

2018-2020 – Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Faculty of Philology, specialty ” Russian Language and Literature”(Master of Pedagogical Sciences).

Subjects taught: “Russian language”

Total number of published works: over 20

Selected publications:

Value-Based Perspectives on the Teacher’s Role in Modern Education. London, Journal of Educational and Social Research. Scopus, quartile Q3, 2024.

Сopyright certificates (IPC)

“Development of linguistic competence in the framework of the lexical topic “History of my specialty” (№15961, 16.03.2021);

“Modern problems of family and upbringing of the younger generation in the context of Kazakh national traditions” (№9115, 10.10.2022);

“History of my specialty” (№33537, 14.03.2023);

“Using Artificial Intelligence in teaching Russian as a Foreign language in virtual reality”, (№42116, 17.01.2024);

“Development of digital competence of a teacher” (№ 43635, 12.03.2024).

Student research work

Scientific supervision of students participating in Olympiads, contests, forums, scientific conferences of international, republican, regional levels.

Mass open online course

“Professionally-oriented Russian language for students of the educational programы “Metallurgy” (№9115, 10.10.2022);

“Professionally-oriented Russian language for students of the educational programы “Automation and Management” (№9261, 20.01.2023).

Professional development

Certificate of professional development “Functional and communicative aspects of teaching Russian in higher education institutions”, CCSSPIR, 72 hours, Karaganda, 2021.

Certificate of professional development “Improvement of pedagogical skills”, Karaganda Technical University, 2021.

Certificate of professional development No. 702408054758 “Psychological and pedagogical technologies for organizing innovative activities of a teacher (Russian language, literature)”, 72 hours, Tomsk, Russia, 2022.

Certificate of professional development No. 008553 “Methods of teaching Russian as an Foreign Language in a technical university”, 72 hours, Ivanovo, Russia, 2023.

Additional professional development program “Russian Language and Literature in the Mirror of National Culture” (Pskov State University (Pskov, Russia), State Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow, Russia), Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia), St.Petersburg State University of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia), 2023.

Certificate of professional development No. 00803 “Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activity of a university teacher”, 36 hours, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, 2023.

Certificate of professional development series No. 0233 “Innovative educational technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions”, 72 hours, “Bilim”, Karaganda, 2024. Certificate “Generative Al in Education” (Massive open online course on the basis of international platform Coursera, Scotland, University of Glasgow), 2024. 


29.03.2020-09.04.2020 – online scientific internship “Management in Education and Science”, Eurasian Academy (Bratislava, Slovakia).

Research interests:  linguoculturology, lexicology of the modern Russian language, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, modern approaches to teaching Russian,the use of digital technologies in education.

Internal phone: 2046

E-mail: a.ten@kstu.kz