Ten Aksana Valerievna

Тен А.В.

Faculty: architectural and construction

Department: Russian language and culture

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: teacher


2005-2009 – Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian Language and Literature” (Bachelor of Russian Language and Literature, red diploma);

2009-2011 – Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova, Faculty of Economics, specialty “Economics” (Bachelor of Economics and Business);

2018-2020 – Karaganda State University named after. E.A. Buketova, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian Language and Literature” (Master of Pedagogical Sciences, red diploma).

Scientific and teaching activities:

She has been working at the department since 2020. Takes an active part in the scientific, scientific-methodical, educational activities of the department.

In 2020, she underwent an educational and scientific internship at the Eurasian Academy in Bratislava (Slovak Republic).

Author of scientific articles, abstracts, reports at the international and republican levels, SIS.

Developer of digital content in the disciplines “Russian language”, “Professional-oriented Russian language” (video course).

Provides scientific guidance to students-winners of olympiads, competitions, participants in scientific conferences of international, republican, regional levels.

In order to meet the level of professional training, he systematically takes advanced training courses online and offline. In 2021, an advanced training course was completed at the Central State Specialized Educational and Technical Institute in Karaganda “Functional and communicative aspects of teaching the Russian language at a university”, in 2022 – at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University (Russia) “Psychological and pedagogical technologies for organizing innovative activities of a teacher (Russian language and literature )”.

Work phone: 56-59-32

Internal phone: 2046

Email address:acsanaten@mail.ru