Syzdykbaeva Dinara Seitkalievna


Full name, date of birth: Syzdykbaeva Dinara Seitkalievna, 12.02.1990.

Phone, e-mail:

Position: Assistant of the “Mining aerology and labor protection”

Education: Higher: 2008-2012.

Karaganda State Technical University, Specialty: “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”.

Master’s degree: 2014-2016.

Karaganda State Technical University, Specialty: “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”.

Work in the Department:

2012-2016. – Laboratory assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”

2017г. – up to the present time assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”.

Work in other departments – Main scientific interests: Labor protection and life safety, Ecology and life safety.

Main publications for 5 years:

2.Amanzholov J.K., Zholmagambetov N.R., Nurgalieva A.D., Ayubek D.E., Syzdykbaeva D.S. “Application of fire risk indicators to assess fires” Proceedings of the University №1 2020g. p 81-85.

3.B.K. Makashev, N.A. Medeubaev, Syzdykbaeva D.S. “Machine kauipsizdiginininң zhurgizusushilerdinң kasibi deңgeyine taueldiligin zertteu” Karaganda, Karaganda State Technical University. Proceedings of the University 2020, № 2, p 62- 65.

4. “The psycho-physiological and psychophysiological sapalaryn zertteu”. Syzdykbaeva D.S., Ansarina A.A. Republican student scientific conference “The contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050″, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the university, Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov, Karaganda 2023.

5. Demin V.F., Akhmatnurov D.R., Syzdykbaeva D.S., Zamaliev N.M. Investigation of technological parameters in the fastening of mine workings (article) Bulletin of “Kazakh University of Technology and Business”, Astana, № 4 (21), 2023. – С. 115-123.

  1. Demin V.F., Akhmatnurov D.R., Zamaliyev N.M., Syzdykbaeva D.S.

Investigation of the influence of geomechanical processes near mine workings on the formation of loads on the support /Исследованиевлияниягеомеханическихпроцессоввблизигорныхвыработокнаформированиенагрузокнакрепь/ (статья). Горный журнал Казахстана, № 12 (223), 2023. -С. 46-55. МРНТИ 52.13.23.

  1. Khalikova E.R., Demin V.F., Demina T.V., Syzdykbaeva D.S., Zairov Sh.Sh. Technological conditions for ensuring the stability of the array of enclosing rocks during the fastening of mine workings. Complex Use of Mineral Resources. 2024; 330(3):  с. 76-84.  DOI: 10.31643/2024/6445.31.

- Methodical instructions for practical exercises in the discipline “Economic evaluation of the consequences of emergency situations and OT measures”. J.K. Amanzholov, D.S. Syzdykbaeva, U.B. Arkabaev. Karaganda, 2023.

- Methodical instructions for practical exercises in the discipline “Fundamentals of fire extinguishing and fire and technical expertise”. J.K. Amanzholov, D.S. Syzdykbaeva, U.B. Arkabaev. Karaganda, 2023.

- Methodical instructions for practical exercises in the discipline “Өrtti sөndiru negizderi zhane өrt-technical saraptama” pәn boyynsha prakticalyқ sabaktardy oryndauga arnalgaan” J.K. Amanzholov, D.S. Syzdykbaeva, U.B. Arkabaev. Kartu, 2023.

- Methodical instructions for practical exercises in the discipline “TZ Saldarynan zhane EK Boyynsha іs-sharalardy economical bagalau” J.K. Amanzholov, N.M. Suleimenov, D.S. Syzdykbaeva. Karaganda, 2023.

Scientific supervisor of the research work of the student gr. BZhD-17-2 Sagyngan Dumanuly on the section “Fire Safety” (III place) 2019.

Research and Development.

- Received SIS “Technical regulation of industrial safety” No. 6258 on November 5, 2019.

Obtained Patent for utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- No. 7677 dated 21.10.2022. Title “Tau-ken zhumystaryn zhurgizu kauipsizdigin arytyru tasilі”. Suleimenov N.M., Ermukhanova N.B., Akhmetova A.J., Sattarova G.S., Kaliyaskarova A.J., Rakhimberlin A.A., Sakitaeva K.K., Syzdykbaeva D.S.

Certificate and entering information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects;

- No. 33646 dated 16.03.2023. Title of the object “Calculation of primary means of fire extinguishing”. Arkabaev U.B., Amanzholov J.K., Rakhimberlina A.A. Syzdykbaeva D.S.;

- No. 32887 dated 21.02.2023. Name of the object “Study of air dustiness”. Syzdykbaeva D.S., Rakhimberlina A.A., Arkabaev U.B.

- Demin V.F., Isakov B.E., Dvuzhilova S.N., Syzdykbaeva D.S. Study of the manifestations of mountain pressure in the ventilation face face with return flow ventilation scheme. SIS No. 40055 dated 30.10.2023. Date of creation of the object 01.09.2023.

Membership in scientific and professional societies

-Responsible for the employment of students of the specialty 6B11201 “Bachelor’s Degree” and 7M11201 “Bachelor’s Degree” (Master’s Degree).

-Providing propaganda work to attract applicants to enroll in the university.

-Participation in meetings of the department and councils of the university

Subjects and Courses

Fall semester:

Occupational Health and Safety – laboratory classes – 1 hour per week; Ecology and Life Safety – practical classes – 1 hour per week; Methods and Means of Controlling Industrial Environment Parameters – practical classes – 1 hour per week; Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – practical classes – 1 hour per week.

Spring semester:

“Occupational Health and Safety” – laboratory classes – 1 hour per week; “Ecology and Life Safety” – practical classes – 1 hour per week.

Professional development:

- Advanced training courses on the topic “Life safety and through emergency situations of man-made and natural character” from 10.06.2019 to 21.06.2019;

She was trained in the framework of the seminar on the requirements of ISO- 37001:2016 standard on “Anti-corruption management system” in the amount of 72 hours, May 28 – June 29, 2022, NAO “Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov”.

Participated in a training seminar on the organization of the work of the information and awareness-raising group to improve religious literacy, January 10, 2023, State Institution “Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda city”

She took advanced training courses on “Application of modern information technologies in education” in the amount of 72 hours, May 04 – May 18, 2023, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata. Korkyt Ata.

She took advanced training courses on “Special issues of ensuring labor protection requirements and safety of production activities” in the amount of 72 hours, May 19 – June 10, 2023, SIC “GeoMark” LLP.

Advanced training courses on “Engineering bilim berudegi kazirgi zamanaui oqytu tekhnologilary” from 08.10.2023 to 03.11.2023.

Took part in the information seminar on the theme “Skills of negotiation process” in the volume of 6 hours, January 12, 2024, State Institution “Department of internal policy of Karaginda region”.