Smolyanova Diana Kairatovna

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-21 at 13.01.56

Faculty: Architectural and Construction

Department «Architecture and Design»

Position: teacher


In2013-2018shestudiedatKSTUattheFACE,specialty«Architecture».Bachelor of Arts.

From 2018 to 2021, she worked at the State Institution «Department of Land Relations,Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Shakhtinsk», methodologist; in LLP«Stroy project-2013»,design engineer in construction.

In2019-2021,study at the magistracy of KSTU in the specialty

«Construction». Thesis on the topic: «Research of features of application of modern information technologies at energy-efficient modernization of buildings».Master of Science in Engineering.

Since September 2021 she has been an assistant at the Department of Architecture and Design.

Since September 2022, she has been a teacher at the Department of Architecture and Design.

Work phone:8(7212)56-59-32

Internal phone:2070

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