Satbergenova Assel Kuandykovna



Full name, date of birth: Satbergenova Assel Kuandykovna, July 29, 1986

Work experience: the total experience of work is 15 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 13 years.

Position: senior lecturer of department “Mine surveying and geodesy”.

What University, by what specialty and when graduated:

Karaganda State Technical University, Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, bachelor degree, graduated with honors specialty “Mining” on the trajectory of “Mine surveying” in 2008.

In 2010 she graduated from the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with a second degree in “Economics”.

Academic degree, academic rank, academic degree:

Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty 6M071100 “Geodesy”, 2012

Departments, including dates of employment and positions held

positions held:

2008-2009. – Senior laboratory assistant of Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at KSTU

2009-2010 assistant of Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy of KSTU

2011-2017 – teacher of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” department KSTU

2017-present – senior lecturer at the Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy”.

Main research interests:

Research topic: “Geodesic methods of research of the state of natural and man-made objects using satellite technologies”.

She participated in the project “Study of modern geodynamic processes of Karaganda city using satellite radar interferometry” 2012-2015.

Main publications:

During her work at the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy has published over 40 theses on the subject of scientific research, more than 10 articles in international, regional, national publications, 2 innovation patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 certificates of copyright.

Disciplines read in the academic year: 

“Computer graphics in construction”

“Geodesy with the basics of topography”

“Creation of a baseline network for aerial surveying”.

“Computer technologies in cartography”.

“Updating of digital maps and plans based on space surveying materials”.

“Mining and geological documentation in the digital field”

“Symbols in Mining and Geographical Documentation”.

“Geodesy, term paper”

“Basics of Earth Remote Sensing”.

Advanced training:

Recipient of the international scholarship “DAAD” of the German Academic Exchange Service in 2010, 2011, 2018, 2019.

9.12 to 23.12.2021 – training at the National Open University “Intuit” in the course “Security on the Internet”;

March 9 – March 29, 2022 – training at “GeoPro” LLP on “Satellite-based measuring technologies and computer-aided processing of GNSS-measurements”.

28.06 – 01.07.2022 – training on “Application of ENVI+IDL software system tools for processing and analysis of remote sensing data”.

Resources of the Republican Interuniversity Digital Library:

1. Астрономиялықнегіздерібаргеодезиялықастрономия : Электрондықоқулық . / Ж.З. Толеубекова, Д.В. Мозер, А.К. Сатбергенова, Ә.C. Тұяқбай. – Қарағанды: ҚарМТУ, 2017.

2. Жерқойнауыныңгеометриясы : Электрондықоқулық. / Ә.С. Тұяқбай, М.Б. Игемберлина, А.Р. Естаева, А.К. Сатбергенова. – Қарағанды: ҚарМТУ, 2020.

3. Топографиялықшифрдыоқу : Электрондықоқулық. / Ж.З. Толеубекова, Д.В. Мозер, А.К. Сатбергенова, Ә.С. Тұяқбай . – Караганда: КарГТУ, 2013.

4. Шахта құрылыс кезіндегі маркшейдерлік жұмыстар : Электрондық оқулық. / А.З. Капасова, Д.В. Мозер, А.К. Сатбергенова, Ә.С. Тұяқбай . – Қарағанды: ҚарМТУ, 2013. 


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