Sadchikov Alexander Viktorovich




Sadchikov Alexander Viktorovich




  1. FULL name Sadchikov Alexander Viktorovich, born on 22.03.1963
  2. Phone, e-mail, URL
  4. Position-Senior lecturer of the Departmentы of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
  5. 1985-KPTI, Karaganda “Mining engineer geophysicist”


2007-Candidate of Technical Sciences, KSTU, “Fire and industrial safety” – 05.26.03


  1. 2006-2008 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geoecology of KSTU,


2008-deputy. responsible secretary of the admissions committee of KSTU,


2014-2015 Executive secretary of the Admissions Committee of KSTU


2015-2017 Head of the Department of GRMPI, KSTU


2017-present Senior lecturer at the Departmentsы of Natural Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits


7. Achievements – Publication of an article in a rating publication included in the databases (Scopus)


- Publication of 2 articles in journals recommended by the COKSNVO of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


- Participation in 3 international scientific conferences


- Participation in applying for grant funding, as a supervisor


- Received 1 patent for an invention


- Participated in the implementation of research work on contractual financing, on the topic “Conducting research by electrotomography”. The implementation period is 2023.




  1. Research interests: geology, geophysics, oil and gas industry, безопасность life safety.
  2. Membership in scientific and professional societies: – Valid chlen MAIN from 2019.г.
  3. Awards and prizes: Awarded in 2022 “Jubileeой Gold Medalof Yu MAIN”
  4. Advanced training: has a certificate that he was a student of the courses conducted by KSTU under the program ” Planning for strategic development of the university “(May2018), Azimut Geologiya LLP-Decoding of aerialand space photo materials (April 2022), GeotekLLP-Feasibility study of mineral raw materials conditions (February 2023)
  5. Languages spoken: Native English, Kazakh, English with Dictionary
  6. Professional skills and knowledge: Hardware support with modern samples of geophysical equipment