Rakhimova Zhanara Baybolsynovna





Faculty of Architecture and Construction




Job title






What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.


Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, period 2015-2018, bachelor’s degree in “Jurisprudence”;


Karaganda State Technical University, period 2018-2020, Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty “Production of building materials, products and structures”


From 09.2018 to the present – NJSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”, assistant of the department of SM&T




Major publications over the past 5 years.


Textbook “Heating engineering and heating equipment of construction industry enterprises”, KarTU Publishing House, 2021;


- Textbook “Ondeu zhane okshaulau materialdary” Publishing house KarTU, 2022.


Rakhimova G.M., Yesentaeva A.N., Rakhimova Zh.B., “Topyrakty aldyn ala anyktalgan tonestirilgen tұңdyru adіsіmen іrgetasty esepteu ushіn mathematicalyk bagdarlamany padalanu,” – Materials of international scientific and practical tic conference, Prague: 22- January 30, 2024.


- Rakhimova G.M., Sapar A.M., Rakhimova Zh.B., “Kurylys design of the technical equipment of the zhai-kuyin tekseru” – Materials of the XVII International. scientific-practical conf. “Advanced developments in science and technology – 2022”, Volume 2, Przemysl: November 7-15, 2022. pp. 25-27.




Subjects and courses


- Construction materials.


- Concrete technology


- Engineering geology and soil mechanics


- Hydraulics, hydrology, hydrometry


- Heating and ventilation systems


- Modifiers and industrial waste in production


- Architecture of civil and industrial buildings and structures




Professional development


“VR technologies and creation of interactive content”, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk 2023


“Modern technologies of management in higher educational institutions”, KarTU, Karaganda, 2023.