Позднякова Ирина Юрьевна



Mining faculty
Academic degree:
Academic title:

Pozdnyakova Irina Yuryevna

Position: Assistant

Biography: In 2013, she graduated with honors from the Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits. In 2013 she defended her master’s thesis with honors in the specialty “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration MPI” (Oil trajectory) of the pedagogical direction.

• Passed a scientific internship at the Ural Branch of the RAS Institute of Geophysics named after Yu.P. Bulashevich.

Work phone: 56-26-19

Электронный адрес: i.pozdnyakova@kstu.kz

Буровое оборудование сил