Mukhamedieva Laura Seilkhanovna


Education: higher, Graduated from KSTU, specialty – “Information and measuring equipment and technology”, qualification engineer, in 2020, the University of ENU. L.N. Gumilyov master’s degree in the specialty “Information Security System”, senior lecturer of the Department of Information Security of the Faculty of FIT. The time of work in this university is 11 years.

Academic experience: Karaganda State Technical University, disciplines taught: “Computer networks”, “Machine-oriented programming”, “Information bases of information security”, “Design of information security systems” for the specialty “Information security system”, “Information and communication technologies” for all specialties, conducting computational practice for the first year, supervision of term papers.

Professional Development Certificates:

  1. The training program of the seminar on engineering pedagogy (2017),
  2. English language courses of KSTU (2011),
  3. Courses “Fundamentals of computer literacy” (Certificate dated 03.03.2012, NIIEOT named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KSTU),
  4. Courses “Fundamentals of working with MicrosoftPowerPoint” (Certificate dated 03.03.2012, NIIEOT named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KSTU),
  5. Courses “Fundamentals of Microsoft Word” (Certificate dated 03.03.2012, NIIEOT named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KSTU),
  6. Courses “3DS max 7″ (Certificate dated 03/03/2012, NIIEOT named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KSTU).

The most important publications and presentations in the last five years:

E-tutorials:HTML тілінде Web парақтар құру, Серт. № 3301, 14.05.2019, Видео-сабақтар кешені (laboratory work); “Information and Communication Technologies ” for all specialties (Basic version).

Tutorials -B.H. Shodyrova, L.S. Mukhamedieva, L.R. Snitsar. Tutorial:Организация вычислительных систем и сетей, KSTU, 2019; F.M. Bartosik, L.N. Kulbaeva, L.S. Mukhmedieva. Tutorial: : Машинаға бағытталған бағдарламалау, KSTU, 2019; V.V. Likhachev, O.A. Kan, A.T. Zharkimbekova, L.S. Mukhamedieva, A.E. Suleimen, Tutorial: Information and communication technologies, KSTU, 2017

Publication of articles:

  1. Mukhamedieva L.S., Beisenova A.S.,Zholmagambetova B.R. «Ұйымдарда IT-тәуекелдерді бағалау және басқару»       Международная научно-практическая конференция «Интеграция науки, образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации», Сагиновские чтения №9, 22-23 июня, 2017;
  2. Mukhamedieva L.S., Khasenov E.A. «Linux операциялық жүйесінің драйверлерін верификациялау» Тезисы докладов Республиканской студенческой научной конференции «Вклад в молодежной науки в реализацию Стратегии «Казахстан-2050», Караганда: КарГТУ, 2019, С.484-485;
  3. Mukhamedieva L.S., Zholmagambetova B.R., Kadirova L.B. «Linux ОЖ драйверлерін верификациялаудың заманауи әдістері» V Международная научно-практическая конференция «Наука и образование в современном мире: вызовы XXI века», Нур-султан, 2019, С.61-64.;
  4. Turebaeva R.D., Mukhamedieva L.S. «Операциялық жүйелер драйверлерін верификациялау» Региональная научно-практическая конференция магистрантов и студентов «Букетовские чтения – 2020», Караганда: КарГУ им.Е.А.Букетова, 2020, С.88-93.