Mikhnev Andrey Vasilyevich

Mikhnev Andrey Vasilyevich

Full name, date of birth: Mikhnev Andrey Vasilyevich, April 15, 1964.

Work experience: total experience – 41 years, scientific and pedagogical experience – 5 years

Position: lecturer of the department “Surveying and Geodesy”

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute, “surveying” in 1986

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: no

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held: 2017-2022 – Lecturer of the Department “Surveying and Geodesy”

Main research interests: laser scanning

Main publications: Published 3 articles, 2 theses, 2 SIS, 3 training manuals have been released

Items read in the academic year: Geodesy, laser scanning, instrumentation, surveying on OGR, geometrization of shapes and properties of PI

Training: 8.06.2020- 20.06.2020 advanced training courses “Creation of virtual laboratory work”.

25.11.2020- 1.12.2020 internship at the NOVA ZINC enterprise.

9.03.2022 – 29.03.2022 internship at the GeoPro LLP enterprise.

Contact details: 87765246345