Mashtakova Elena Konstantinovna

Маштакова Е.К.-min

Full name, date of birth Mashtakova Elena Konstantinovna 17.11.1961


Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) Senior Lecturer



What university, what specialty, and when you graduated. Academic degree, title Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute (now East Kazakhstan Technical University named after Daulet Sarikbayev), 1986.
Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov.

from 1999 to 2011-KSTU, Department of TSPiA-senior lecturer;

from 2011 to 2014-KSTU, Department of AID-senior lecturer;

from 2014 to 2017-KSTU, Department of DAiPM-senior lecturer;

from 2017 to 2022-Map, Department of AID-senior lecturer;

from 2022-Map named after Abylkas Saginov, Department of Information Security – senior lecturer

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held) 1991-Shakhty division of the regional self-supporting design and production architectural and planning bureau. Architect

in 1992-Shakhty city self-supporting architectural and planning bureau. Architect.

from 1993 to 1998 – Regional self-supporting design and production architectural and planning Bureau of Moscow.Karaganda.

Main research interests Research work in the field of studying the architectural heritage of Karaganda
Main publications over the past 5 years -International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Integration of science, education and production-the basis for implementing the national plan “(Sagin Readings No. 11), Karaganda: KSTU, 2019 – “Modern problems of courtyard space”;

- ” Proceedings University”, Karaganda: No. 3, 2019 – “Wind energy-efficient buildings”;

- International scientific and practical Conference ” Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 12), Karaganda: KSTU, 2020 – “Playgrounds in the courtyard space”;

- International Scientific and Practical Conference online conference “Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Saginovsky Readings No. 13), Karaganda: Map, 2021 – “Relevance of preserving the heritage of Soviet architecture”;

- International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Saginovsky Readings No. 13). 14), Karaganda: KarTU im. Abylkasa Saginova, 2022 – “Problems of preserving architectural monuments of the modernist era on the example of the Karaganda circus”;

- Proceedings of the University”, Karaganda: No. 1 (90), 2023 – “Layout as a means of research work of architecture students“;

-International scientific and practical Conference” XV Sagin Readings. Integration of education, science and production. “Karaganda: Map of them. Abylkasa Saginova, 2023 – ” Problems of organization of architectural styles on the example of Mira Boulevard in Karaganda”;

Membership in scientific and professional societies Member of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 09.08.2008 (ud No.757)
Awards and prizes awarded On 01.08.2016 the title “Kurmetti” was awarded сәулетші” (уд.№518)
Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes / SRSP fall semester:

- “Small architectural forms”;

- ” Methods of shaping in architectural design”;

- “Monofunctional building”;

- “Individual residential building”;

Lectures-4 hours, seminars-17h., SRSP-5h.

spring semester:

- “Individual residential building”;

Lectures-1h., seminars-8h., SRSP – 2h.

- “Production practice 1″;

- “Production practice 2″;

- “Pre-graduate practice”;

- ” Diploma design”

Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally by the Chairman of the COC of the Department of AIDof Information and Communication Technologies, responsible for educational and methodological work, curator

5 hours a week, points are awarded for receiving differentiated payment

Advanced training 2014, Participation in seminars and trainings of the practical conference “Innovations in Education” Within the framework of the III-th International Exhibition of Educational and Professional Training Technologies ” WorlddidacAstana 2014″;

2014, Series of lectures by Associate Professor of UniversityofBolton (Great Britain) Margaretnelson in the discipline “ArchitectureandConstuction”(“Architecture and Construction”);

2014, Series of lectures by Doctor PhDUniversityofWestLondon (University of West London. UK) Changfengfu in the discipline “Steadydesign, inthearchitecture”(“Sustainable design in Architecture”).

2015, TPO KaragandaArhProekt LLP, a series of lectures on the course “Interior” on the topic: “Design and technologies of interior decoration of residential and public buildings”;

2016, ART EXPO LLP, a series of lectures on “Solutions for education”, “Innovative technologies in the educational process”;

2016, A course of the training seminar “Innovative technologies in educational activities of KSTU”;

2016, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Civil Engineering advanced training on the topic “Principles of sustainable development in architectural and structural design and construction”;

2017, KSTU, course of the training seminar on engineering pedagogy;

2017, Participation in seminars and trainings of the practical conference “Innovations in Education” Within the framework of the V-th International Exhibition of Educational Technologies and 2014″;

Technologies. WorlddidacAstana 2014; 2018, ART EXPO LLP, Educational program “BuildingInformationModeling”;

11.10.2022-12.12.2022 “Anti-corruption Management System”, КарТУимени Abylkas SaginovUniversity, No. 0142-c;

04.03.2022-Participation in the scientific and technical conference on modern education in Kazakhstan Zertte Conference, № С10013641;

10.01.2023г. “Improving religious literacy”, SE ” Department of Internal Policy of the city of Karaganda;