Kurymbayeva Sayagul Kanievna

EducСаягуль Каниевнаation-Higher

Head of the Department” professional education and pedagogy”, master of professional training.

Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov was completed in 2002.

Protected master’s thesis in 2007.

Understanding of current educational activities – list of reading disciplines) – psychology and Human Development, dual training.

Views on scientific activity: number of International, Republican, foreign and regional statuses – 6, educational and methodological complexes-2, educational and methodological recommendations – 1.

Official contact information-56 Mira str., Building No. 1, Tel. the slave. 56-52-33.

Work experience-7 years, work experience – 6 years.

Individual professional achievements: ownership of Kazakh, Russian free, English speech, computer at the user level.

Scientific and educational work (with links):

Materialy X miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji “Naukowa mysl informacyjnej powieki-2014” volume 14. Pedagogiczne nauki: Przemysl. Nauka i studia-P. 72-78.

System of professional growth of rural school teachers: experience and prospects for development: Rep. scientific and practical. conf. materials. Karaganda, 2014. – p. 243-245.

Scientific journal of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.- Pavlodar: from-VO PSU, 2015. – 102-108.-Ser. Educational work.

“Bukhar Zhyrau – sage of the steppe, batagei of Unity”, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate on the basis of the National idea of elbasy “Mangilik El”: Rep. materials of the scientific and Practical Conference March 22, 2015 – Karaganda: karstu publishing house, 2015. – pp. 267-272.

University papers = Truda University: Rep. magazine / GL. Ed. A. M. Gazaliyev. Karaganda: izd-Vo Kargtu, 2015. – pp. 22-25