Kuatova Anar Stalovna




Full name, date of birth.

Kuatova Anar Stalovna . 01/28/78

If the teacher is listed on their university’s website, please indicate this.

https :// person . kstu . kz / kuatova - anar - stalovna /

Position (indicate full-time or part-time; if part-time, indicate the type of main activity and the time (in percentage) spent on it).

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU named after Abylkas Saginova

What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.

Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in “ Economics and Management in Construction ”, qualification – civil engineer-economist, 2001. Master of Economic Sciences (specialty 6M050600 – Economics) (2022, Karaganda, KarTU )

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

2001-2010 teacher, old Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kazakh-Russian University KRU, Since 2010 to the present time, senior lecturer , department of “Economics and Enterprise Management” of Abylkas KarTU Saginova

Work in other departments and organizations (indicate dates and positions held).


Main scientific interests.

Innovative and investment development of the economy, economics of the construction industry.

Major publications over the past 5 years.


1. To the question digitalization economy Kazakhstan , Collection abstracts , International  scientific and practical conferences students , graduate students and young scientists . April 23-24 , 2020 , National University ” Chernigivska” Polytechnic “, Chernihiv , Ukraine .

2. Prospects for the investment policy of Kazakhstan, Collection of scientific papers of the II international scientific conference “Current state of economic systems: economics and management”, (March 23-24, 2020, Tver).

3. Human capital How driving force development society , ” Scientific and practical electronic magazine Alley Sciences “, No. 3 (42 ) 2020 , Moscow .

4. Digitalization industrial enterprises Kazakhstan : potential opportunities and prospects , Questions innovative economics . – 2020. – Volume 10. – No. 4. – P. 67–74 . doi : 10.18334/vinec.10.4.111211.

5. Methodological assessment approaches _ human capital organizations , Proceedings Republican student scientific online conferences

« Contribution youth science into implementation Strategies ” Kazakhstan -2050″ April 16-17 , 2020 . KSTU , 2020 , pp. 99 -101.

6. Prospects digital transformation enterprises Kazakhstan , Materials of the VI International scientific and practical conference ” Economics and Management” enterprises , industries complexes on modern stage globalization “, Tver , 2020.

7. Problems  development electronic  commerce : experience Kazakhstan , Scientific magazine ” Capital” Sciences “. No. 3( 20) March 2020, Moscow .

8. Economic Aspects energy politics , Proceedings International scientific and practical conferences  Kazakhstan , ” XV Saginovsky reading . Integration education , science and production “, June 16-17 Karaganda 2023.

9. Competitiveness of the Regional Economy on the Example of ESG Technologies and Impact on the Tourism Industry, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol.19, No.4, pp. 199-210.

Membership in scientific and professional societies.


Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

  • Discipline “ Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, “Fundamentals of Management and Marketing” autumn, spring semester, number of lecture hours -2.
  • Discipline “Macroeconomics”, spring semester, number of lecture hours – 2.


Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally.

Responsible for the website of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management.



1. From February 1, 2023 to March 2, 2023. Completed an offline advanced training course in the field of “Theory and practice of making organizational and economic decisions”  , for 72 hours, Kazakhstan, Karaganda.

2. From 11/23/2022 to 12/9/22, I completed an online advanced training course on the topic “Methods of teaching at a university using digital technologies” at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University .