Kochkina Galina Aleksandrovna



  • Full name, date of birth.
  • Kochkina Galina Aleksandrovna-19.06.1951

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Position (specify full-time or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of mainactivity and time (as a percentagespent on it).

Position-senior lecturer of the Department” Economics and Enterprise Management ” of KSTU, part-time, main activity- senior lecturer -50%.

 What university, what specialty, and when you graduated. Academic degree, title.

Graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organizationof the Machine-building Industry. Qualification “engineer-economist” , 1974.  Academic degree -Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 080008 – “Efficiency of new equipment and capital investments”, 1989, Moscow, Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 

Work in the division, including dates of employment and positions held.

Work in the department – senior lecturer of the Department “Economics and Enterprise Management” since 01.09.2008. -

1976-1985. Karaganda State Polytechnic Institute-Research associate of the Department ofHydraulic Machines, senior lecturer of the Department of “Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering”. From 01.09.2008 to the present, Acting.дDean, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management of Karst State Technical University, currently КарТУAbylkas Saginov Moscow State University

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held)”

1974-1976-software engineer of the Department of algorithmization of economic problems of the EC of the Production Association “Karagandaugol”; 1986-1990-Research associate of the Central Kazakhstan Department of IE of the Academyof Sciences of Kazakhstan.SinceWED; 1990-1992 Acting Associate Professor of the Department.Head of the Analytical Department of the insurance company SK “Ortalyk”, Director of the Karaganda branch of CJSC SK “ASIA POLICY”, from 01.09.1997-01.09.2008 Associate Professor of the Karaganda University of Business, Management and Law.

Main research interests.

Insurance as a tool for reducing industrial risks. Modern tools and forms of investment ininnovative development of enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Main publications of the last 5 years.

1. Kochkina G. A., Evstafyev M. E. Issues of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of education, science and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Sagin Readings No. 10), Karaganda-2018 – part6.-314-316c.

2. Kochkina G. A., Evstafyev M. E. Structural features of the development of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Integration of education, Science and production – the basis for the implementation of the National Plan” (Sagin Readings No. 10), Karaganda-2018 – part 7.-234-235c.

3. Kochkina G. A. Venture capital as a source of financing for innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Materials ofруды the International Scientific and practical Conference ” Integration of education, science and production-the basis for implementing the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 10), Karaganda-2018-part 7.-234-235c.

4. Kochkina G. A.,Klimenko E. A. The role of technology transfer in the development of the innovative economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International Scientific and practical online Conference “Formation of intellectual capital in the conditions of digital transformation: experience, challenges, prospects” 04.11.2022

Kochkina G. A. Map named after Abylkas Saginov.

5.Kochkina G..A.,Klimenko E..A..  Strakhovanie v sisteme upravleniya sotsial’no – ekonomicheskimi riskami [Insurance in the social and economic risk management system]. Proceedings of the International Scientific and practical online Conference ” XV Sagin Readings. Integration of education, science and production” 29.04.2023

Membership in scientific and professional societies.


Awards and prizes awarded.

Subjects and courses taught inthe current academic year (by semester):

Fall semester: discipline “Theory and practice of insurance in industry”, number of hours of lectures per week-2, seminars-2; discipline “Theory and practice of insurance” – number of hours of lectures per week-2, seminars-2.

Spring semester discipline “Economic analysis of a mining enterprise” number of hoursof lectures per week-2 seminars – 3; “Theory and practice of insurance in industry” number of hours of lectures per week-2, seminars-1.

  • Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week.

Responsible for research and development of the Department ofEiMP, head of the student scientific circle “Modern financial market of Kazakhstan- state and prospects of development”, 2 hours a week. ( дd is not paid in full)

Professional development:

1.From 30.05.2016 to 24.06.2016, she completed an industrial internship in the amount of 60 hours, in JSC IC “ASKO”, in the direction of”Problems of title insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

2. From 10.12.2019 to 20.12.2019, she completed a 72-hour production internship in JSC IC “ASCO” in the direction of “Insurance Company risk Management”

3. From 23.05.2022 to 04.06.2022, she completed a 72-hour online advanced training course at the университете Al-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityФараби, Higher School of Economics and Business, in the direction of “Investment activities of Insurance companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

4. From 28.03.2023 по 28.04.2023г.to 28.04.2023, in accordance with the comprehensive program, she completed a 72-hour production internship at  ТОО «Smart Systems Asia LLPin Karaganda inthe direction of “Data analysis and forecasting of enterprise development”.

5. On January 12, 2024, she took part in an information seminar on: “Negotiation process skills “(6 hours), conducted by the State Institution “Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region”.

6. 26 02.2024г. Participated in the online webinar – Conference “Accounting-24″,held by the training center of Profit Training LLP in the direction of “Review of changes in tax legislation-24″, ” Digital optimization of processes in the work of an accountant.