Kernebaev Aydin Saparovich

Кернебаев Айдын Сапарович



Full name, date of birth.

Kernebaev Aydin Saparovich, 09/22/1986

If the teacher is represented on the website of his university, indicate this.

Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (as a percentage) spent on it).

A. Saginov Karaganda Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management (full-time)

Which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title. Higher,

Bachelor’s degree – State and Local Government Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2008

Master’s degree in Management, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2011

Doctoral studies - State and local Government Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2018.


Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held.

2023 – to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management of the NAO Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkasaginov,

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions).

2007-2008.Deputy Chairman of the NGO “Kaisar” for the Karaganda region,

2008-2009.Manager of the “Analysis and Projects” department JSC “Center for International Programs” at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2009-2011. Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and GMU KEUK

2011-2015. Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, senior lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and GMU KEUK

2015-2018. Doctoral studies under a state grant (Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of KEUK).

20019 – 2022. Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and GMU of KarA Kazpotrebsoyuz.

2022-2023. Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz,

Main research interests.

Innovative and investment development of the economy, industrial economy, regional economy

The main publications for the last 5 years.


1. Zhashkenova, R., Pritvorova, T., Talimova, L., Dauletova, A., Kernebaev, A. ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2021, 25(4), pp. 1-10 (SCOPUS – percentile – 42)

2. Zhashkenova, R., Pritvorova, T., Talimova, L., Dauletova, A., Kernebaev, A. Analysis of the transformation of higher educational institutions through entrepreneurship in the conditions of digitalization. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021, 25(4)(SCOPUS – percentile – 40)



1. KirilAnguelov, Kernebayev A. Global experience of development of quasi-public sector of the economy and country wise peculiarities of strategic management.// BulletinoftheKaragandaUniversity. – Economyseries. – 2018. – № 1(89). – b. 200-205 URLs

2. TaubayevA.A., ZhukenovB.M., KernebayevA.S., BorisovaYe.I., SaifullinaYu.M. Priority directions of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan. //Bulletin of the Karaganda University. – Economy series. – 2020. – №4(89). – p. 44-52 DOI 10.31489/2020Ec4/44-52 URL

3. Kernebaev A.S. Assessment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of strategic development of JSC SEC Saryarka of the Republic of Kazakhstan.-//Bulletin of the Russian University of Cooperation.

– 2020. – № 1(39). – pp. 43-49


4. Jazykbaeva B.K., Kernebaev A.S., Zhidkoblinova O.V., Yusupov M.T. Economic aspects of state regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan under the influence of the pandemic. //Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. – 2021. – 02(43). – pp. 31-38 DOI 10.52260/2304-7216.2021. 2(43) .4


5. Spanova B.K., Kernebaev A.S., Gimranova G.I., Kalieva G.K. Problems of budget provision in the regions of Kazakhstan. //Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. – 2021. – 4(45). – pp. 240-246 DOI 10.52260/2304-7216.2021.4(45) .34

6. L.A. Talimova, A.A. Taubaev, A.S. Kernebaev, D.E. Dzhakupova. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of network forms of innovative entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan // “Turan” universitetin khabarshysy” gylym journals 2022 J. No. 1(93).-b.20-27



Monographs, textbooks and teaching aids:

1. Kernebaev A.S. Kazakhstan Republikasyn quasi-comprehensive sector of the subject of the strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Monograph ISBN 978-601-235-387-7 Karaganda, Kazakhstan 2019.-142 b.

2. Kernebaev A.S. Baigurenova M.A., Yertai H. Innovationalyk kyzmetti memlekettik retteu. A study guide. ISBN 978-601-235-460-7 Karaganda, Kazakhstan 2020.-112 b.

3. Petrenko E.S., Taubaeva A.A., Denisov I.V., Kernebaev A.S. Memlekettik kyzmet korsetu sapasyn management. A study guide. ISBN 978-601-235-494-2 Karaganda, Kazakhstan 2021.-126 b.

4. Kernebaev A.S., Mussataeva A.A.Quasi-public sector refom: monitoring and development prospects. Monograph. ISBN 978-601-235-512-3 Karaganda, Kazakhstan 2021.-142 b.



Awards and prizes awarded.

He is the holder of the title “The best university teacher – 2020″ by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the winner of the republican contest “Kazakhstan pedagogtaryn zhana 100 esimi”, the holder of the badge “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Altyn tosbelgisi”. He was awarded the title of “Kazakhstan Resupblikasyn Bilim beru isinin Kayratkeri”. He entered the “Golden Book of teachers of Kazakhstan”. The winner of the competition “Kazakstan pedagogterin ulttyk sylygy”, the winner of the university competition “The best young scientist – 2019″, “10 new faces – 2018″, “The best curator-2020″.

Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), the number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

• Discipline “Fundamentals of economics and entrepreneurship”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -4, seminars -6.

• Discipline “Ekonomikalyk statistik zhane statistikalyk yeseptilik”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.


Other duties performed during the school year, the number of hours per week. Check if they are paid additionally.

The curator of the group

Professional development.

From April 23 to May 7, 2021, the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk National Research State University” under the additional professional program “Economics and Organization Management” 72 hours Novosibirsk RF.