Kenzhebekova Aigerim Yerbolovna

Кенжебекова Айгерім Ерболқызы
Transport and Road

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Position: lecturer of the Department of “Kazakh language and Culture”

Education: Bachelor of Humanities in the specialty “Philology” (Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov, 2021); Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” (Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov, 2023 G.).

Scientific works: Problems of linguistic personality and modern philology: Rep.scientific online conf. materials. – Karaganda, 2021.-pp. 193-198; Science and youth “the phenomenon of inversion in the Kazakh batyr”: new ideas and solutions materials of the IX International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Students and undergraduates. – Karaganda, 2023. – pp. 236-238

Pedagogical credo:Ego discere, et docere