Karsakova Nurgul Zholayevna



  1. Surname        Karsakova
  2. Name              Nurgul
  3. Patronymic    Zholayevna
  4. Date of birth   30/12/1987
  5. Gender:         feminine
  6. Nationality: Kazakh                    Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
  7. Home address:

(in fact): Karaganda, N. Nazarbayev Ave., No. 53/1, ap. 10

(on registration): Karaganda, N. Nazarbayev Ave., No. 53/1, ap. 10

8. Telephonenumber: +77003027947

9. E-mail: Karsakova-87@mail.ru

10. Maritalstatus: married

11. Education: Higher

  Full name of education institution, faculty Year of admission Year of completion Specialty, qualification. Diploma or certificate number
Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology 2005 2009 Bachelor in specialty Standardization, certification and metrology,



Karaganda State Technical University, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology 2009 2011 Master in specialty Standardization, certification and metrology,

ЖООК-М №0008467

Karaganda Technical University, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology 2020   Admission to the doctoral studies in specialty Mechanical Engineering

12. Refresher courses, seminars, internships (within the last 5 years)

  Education institution name Year, month of beginning Year, month of completing Specialization theme


Maker LLP 12/11/2020 30/11/2020 Research and production internship in the amount of 72 hours
RK MES National center of advanced training JSC, Өрлеу


14/04/2019 17/05/2019 Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions as part of the updated content of education in the amount of 260 hours
RSE on REM “Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification” of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15/09/2019 19/09/2019 Seminar on training and advanced training of personnel in the field of technical regulation, metrology and quality management

13. Experience:

Karaganda Technical University

Senior lecturer of the disciplines in specialty Standardization and Certification


- to organize and conduct educational, educational and teaching-methodical work on the taught discipline or separate types of educational activities.

- to participate in the research work of the department.

- to ensure implementation of curricula, development and implementation of curricula.

- to conducts all types of educational activities, educational work.

- to provide quality control of teaching assistants and teachers of educational activities.

- to develop work programs for the disciplines taught. To complete and develop methodical support of the disciplines taught or separate types of educational activities and educational work.

- to take part in the preparation of textbooks, textbooks and teaching aids, the development of working programs and other types of educational and methodological work of the department or other structural unit. 

14. Foreign language proficiency (degree of proficiency: satisfactory, good, excellent) 

Kazakh – native; Russian – fluent; English – basic.

15. Other information (academic degree, title, publications, scientific projects, state awards, diplomas, etc.): 


Articles in journals (CCES)

1. Sherov KT, Karsakova N.Zh., et al. Construction of a special device for the implementation of combined technology: milling / KazNiTU Bulletin. Almaty: KazNiTU Publishing House (review).

2. Karsakova N.Zh., Myrzakhmet B., Sherov K.T., Imasheva K.I., et al. Problems of processing and control in the manufacture of large components / Vulatnik Dulaty University. Taraz: Izd-vo UD, No.2, 2021. P.31-37

Articles in journals (RSCI)

3. Mussayev M.M., Sherov K.T., Rakishev A.K., Karsakova N.Zh., Ainabekova S.S., Okimbayeva A.E. Modernization of construction devices for milling // Natural and technical sciences. Sputnik + Publishing House. No.3 (154) 2021.

Theses at an international scientific-practical conference

4. Mussayev M.M., Sherov K.T., Karsakova N.Zh. Studying the design of devices for combined processing methods // Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific Conference “Innovation in Technology and Education”. Belovo. March 26, 2021.

5. Mussayev M.M., Sherov K.T., Rakishev A.K., Karsakova N.Zh. Universal device on the basis of a lathe for the implementation of milling technology // Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Modern Engineering Innovations and Technologies”. Kokshetau. March 4, 2021.

Articles (CA/Scopus)

6. Sherov K.T., Karsakova N.Zh., Mussayev M.M., Usserbayev М., Magavin М., Abisheva N.B., Kuanov I., Bekzhanov Y., Myrzakhmet B. INVESTIGATION OF THE METHOD OF THERMAL FRICTION TURN-MILLING OF HIGH STRENGTH MATERIALS // Journal of Applied Engineering (JAES) Science, Vol. 18 No. 3 (2020) – P. 327-332. (43%).

7. Mussayev M.M., Buzauova T.M., Sherov K.T., Rakishev A.K., Karsakova N.Zh., Abisheva N.B., Ainabekova S.S. Studying the stress-strain state of a more loaded node of a special device for turn-milling // Metalurgija, 2021 (under consideration) – 60%.

8. Sherov K.Т., Tussupova S., Sikhimbayev M., Mussayev M.М., Ainabekova S., Imanbayev Ye, Karsakova N., Abisheva N. Simulation of the thermal state of the blank surface layer at thermal-friction turn-milling // The 17th Internatinal Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Digital meeting. July 18-23, 2021.