Isataeva Farida Muratovna


Isataeva Farida Muratovna,

Year of birth: December 23, 1975.

Contact details:

Education: Karaganda state technical university 050607 “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”, Karaganda University “Bolashak”. (2015, Master of Economics); NAO KarTU 6D070600 “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” 2020

Work experience: methodologist of the educational and methodological association(2002-2004), assistant of the Department of Enterprise Management (2004-2006); teacher of the Department of Enterprise Management (2006-2007); senior lecturer of the Department of Enterprise Management (2007-2017); senior lecturer of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration (2017-2020), from 2020 to the present time, head of the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration.

Main scientific interests: in the field of geology of mineral deposits.

Achievements: over the past 5 years there have been publications: more than 10 publications of reports of international scientific and practical conferences; more than 15 articles in journals from the list of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 5 articles in journals included in the Scopus and WoS databases; as well as 4 textbooks, of which 3 are recommended by the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 textbooks and 3 monographs recommended by the Academic Council of KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov. Hirsch index according to Scopus = 2. There is 1 letter of gratitude from the regional head of Karaganda region (2023). Winner of “Best Teacher of the Year 2022”, head of research grant funding worth more than 18 million tenge.

Advanced training: at the State Commission of Ukraine for Mineral Reserves (GKZ), Kyiv, 2018; at the Educational and Scientific Institute “Institute of Geology” of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiv, Kyiv, (2021). Advanced training: advanced Mining course for teachers on working with GGIS Micromine, held on the basis of the training class of MICROMINE Central Asia LLP, Almaty, 2018; “Development of professional competencies of the teacher of the course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, Karaganda, 2019; seminar “Standards for public reporting on the results of geological exploration, mineral resources and mineral reserves of KAZRG”, Karaganda, 2019; seminar “Resercher: zhariyalanymy mol tabysty galym”, Astana, 2019; “Technologies of emotional leadership. Management through influence”, Karaganda, 2019; Azimuth Geology LLP on the topic “Innovative methods for ensuring compatibility of drilling intervals”, Karaganda, 2020; “Development of management potential of HiPo employees”, Karaganda, 2020; Azimuth Geology LLP on the topic “Deciphering aerial and space photo materials”, Karaganda, 2022.

Knowledge of languages: Kazakh – native, Russian – fluent, English – with a dictionary.

Professional skills and knowledge: geological support in computer programs AutoCad, Corel Draw.