Isabek Tuyak Kopeiuly


Faculty of Mining

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic title: professor

Position: professor


Isabek Tuyak Kopeyuly was born on March 29, 1950 in the city of Karaganda.

He studied and graduated from high school in 1967 in the village. Chernigovsky (now Kobetey), Nura district, Karaganda region.

In 1967-1972. studied at the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with a degree in “Technology and mechanization of underground mining of mineral deposits”, mining engineer. In 1972-1974. service in the Soviet Army as a divisional artillery officer in the positions of fire platoon commander, senior battery officer, battery commander, demobilized with the rank of senior lieutenant. From 1974 to 1977 — underground mining foreman, deputy site manager of the Zapadnaya mine of the Karagandaugol Production Association.

From 1977 to the present day at Karaganda Technical University (KarTU). He went through the ranks from senior engineer, junior researcher, senior researcher, graduate student (1979-1981), assistant, associate professor (1997), to professor (since 2001).

In 1985, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Improving the technology for mining local sections of seams with complex mining and geological conditions and determining the parameters of the production excavation” (using the example of mines in the Karaganda basin) (scientific advisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Kwon S.S.), and in 1997 – a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Creation of a technology for mining local sections of seams with short working faces without cutting workings” (scientific advisor, hero of Socialist Labor, academician of NAS RK Saginov A.S.) .

At KSTU he held the following positions: deputy dean of the mining faculty (2001), dean of the faculty with a shortened period of study (2003-2004), dean of the mining faculty (2004-2008), head of the department “Development of mineral deposits” named after. A.S. Saginova (2008-2017).

Social work at KSTU: chairman of the trade union bureau of the mining faculty (1993-2000), member of the trade union committee of KSTU (1993-2000), member of the housing commission (1992-2000), chairman of the commission on disputes (1995-2004).

Member of the expert council of the Committee for control and certification in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005-2012), member of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses at KSTU (2003-2005), deputy. Chairman of the dissertation council for the defense of PhD dissertations (2014). Chairman since 2015.

Author of over 500 scientific, educational and methodological works, incl. 28 inventions, 23 scientific monographs, 10 textbooks (3 in the state language), 22 teaching aids (8 in the state language), 4 books of Kazakh genealogies, etc. The main works are devoted to the problem of developing coal seams in the Karaganda basin, which lie in complex mining and geological conditions.

Awards and titles: badge “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (1995); “Honored Worker of KSTU” (2007, 2021), “Best Teacher of the Year” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008 and 2014), badge of KSTU “Eren enbegi ushin” (2013), badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2014) , full holder of the “Miner’s Glory” badges I, II, II degrees (2014-2016), honorary badge of the NAGN RK “Excellence in Mining Science” (2016), Government Medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin” (2019); Honorary Citizen of Nura District (2019); ҚР “Bilim-orkenieti” Ұлттик innovatiyalyk gylymi-zertteu ortalygynyn “Kazakhstan Respublikasy Enbek ozati” tosbelgisі (2023).

Rewarded: Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001), Certificate of Honor from the Federation of Trade Unions of the Karaganda Region (2007), Certificates from the Akim of Balkhash (2009, 2012), Letters of Gratitude from the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (2014, 2016, 2019) , Certificate of Honor from the head of the Coal Industry Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015), Letter of Gratitude from the Akim of the Karaganda Region (2016), over 10 certificates from the administration of KSTU.

He is a full member of two academies: the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences and the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academician-secretary (head) of the Karaganda branch of the National Academy of Mining Sciences. Member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of the National Academy of Mining Sciences” – “Bulletin of NAGN”, member of the Association of Kazakh Terminologists (since 2006).
