Irangaip Sania Rustamovna

Irangaip Sania Rustamovna

date of birth 16.10.1996
Phone: 8-775-129-25-97
Position Assistant

Graduate: 2014-2018 – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”

Master: 2018-2020 – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”
Work in the unit 2018 – 2020 – laboratory assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”
2020 up to the present – assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”

Main research interests labor protection, life safety , industrial sanitation .

Main publications for 5 years
- Medeubaev N.A. Kakenova M.Zh. Sarsembayeva A.N. Irangaip S.R. Influence of the shape of the gravity chute on the mode of movement of the overloaded mass. Journal No. 3(47) “Izvestia” of KSTU named after I. Razzakov
- Medeubaev N.A., Irangaip S.R. Professional risk assessment in construction organizations. Republican student scientific conference “Contribution of youth science to the implementation Of the strategy” Kazakhstan-2050»
- Kakenova M.Zh. Sarsembayeva A.N. Irangaip S.R. Investigation of safe parameters of underground mining at the Zhezkazgan field. KSTU The Republican journal “Proceedings of the University».

Subjects and courses
Fall semester:
- Labor protection and the basics of life safety;
- Life safety ;
- Industrial sanitation and occupational health ;
- Industrial safety expertise of production facilities ;
- Physiology and psychology of work

Spring semester:
- Labor protection and the basics of life safety;
- Industrial sanitation and occupational health ;
- Industrial safety expertise of production facilities.