Full name, date of birth | Gomarova Bakhyt Mukashevna
Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) | Senior lecturer,
full-time job
at which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title | Almaty Architectural and Construction Institute,” Architecture ” qualif. architect,1987. |
Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions | held from 2010-2011-KSTU, Department of TSPiA-senior lecturer;
from 2011-2014-KSTU, Department of AID-senior lecturer; from 2014-2017-KSTU, Department of DAiPM-senior lecturer; from 2017-2022 – MAP, Department of AID – senior lecturer; from 2022-КарТУимени Abylkas SaginovUniversity, Department of AID – senior lecturer |
Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held) | Executive Committee of Karkaraly district Council
c1987-1988 Engineer of production group 1988-89 engineer-surveyor 1989-1991Obl.self-supporting, design-производ- and production architectural and planning bureau under the main department of architecture of the regional executive Committee technician-architect, engineer 1991-1994 state farm”Karkaralinsky”, художartist-designer 2004 Currency-transit Stroy-service, architect 2005-2006 Karaganda Promstroyproekt & KLLP, architect of the III category 2006-2011 renamed “MGT-project LLP”, architect of the II category |
Main research interests | “Urban modernization and innovation in architecture” |
Основные публикации за последние 5 лет | Ортаның жайлылық көрсеткіштері және тұрғын үйлердің аула кеңістігін ізгілендіру мәселелері Труды Международной научно-практ. конфер.
“Integration of science, education and production-the basis for implementing the National Plan”(Sagin Readings No. 11),Karaganda:КарГТУ 2019,3«Кәсібимамандардайындаудыңсапасынартырудағыдуальдікоқытужүйесініңмаңызы» Қалалық ортадағы қоғамдық кеңістіктерді ізгілендіру жолдары,Труды Международной научно-практ. конфер. “Integration of science, education and production-the basis for implementing the National Plan”(Sagin Readings No. 11),Karaganda:KSTU 2020 -International scientific and practical online Conference ” Integration of science, education and production-the basis for implementing the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 13), Karaganda: Map, 2021. Kala ortasyn landshafttyk abbattandyru manyzy “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 14), Karaganda: КарТУимени Abylkas Saginov Map, 2022-Part-2 Modernization of infrastructure and effective solution of quarter improvement in Sarani University Proceedings No. 3 [88] KarTU-2022 Turgyn ortanyn sapasyn zhaksartu ushin biopositivti technologiyalardy koldanu Proceedings of the International scientific and practical online Conference ” Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 15), Karaganda: <url>Map 2023-Part-2
Membership in scientific and professional societies | - |
Awards and prizes awarded | |
Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year( by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes / SRSP | fall semester:
- “Small architectural forms”; -” Methods of form formation in architectural design”; - “Design of modern exhibition and recreational spaces”; - “Educational institutions”; Lectures-4 hours, seminars – 14h., SRSP-5 spring semester: -“Individual residential building”; -“Educational and educational institutions”.educational institutions”; Lectures-2h., seminars-6h., SRSP-2h. - “Pre-graduate practice”; - ” Diploma design” |
Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally | by a member of the COC of the Department of AID, responsible for educational and methodological work at kaz.language, curator, secretary of the Academy of Sciences, responsible for conducting the course of diploma design, organizing and conducting defenses, for the MOE at kaz.Advanced
5 hours per week, points are awarded for receiving a differentiated payment |
training | 28.11.2023-25.12.2023 “Interdisciplinary collaboration in the scientific and pedagogical activity of a university teacher” in the amount of 36 hours, КарТУимени Abylkas Saginov University;
20.11.2023-20.12.2023 ” Methodology for developing an architectural project taking into account modern requirements for design stages and conditions”in the amount of 144 hours, “Project Bureau Basis” LLP, Karaganda; 12.01.24 “Negotiation process skills” in the amount of 6 hours, State Institution “Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region”, Karaganda |