Gavrilova Marianella Anatolievna

Гаврилова Марианелла Анатольевна ТСС(1)

Date of birth: 07.08.1989

Academic degree, academic title: master

Position: Senior lecturer of Department

Teaching at the University: 8 years

Education, specialty, qualification, year of graduation :

“Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”, bachelor, 2010;

“Information systems”, master of engineering and technology.

She has been studying since 2017 in the doctoral program of North Kazakhstan State University after M Kozybayev, by specialty “radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”.

She is a co-author of such textbooks:

1) ” Fundamentals of digital audio and video. Part 1″ — V. P. Razinkin, G. G. Tedeev, A. D. Mekhtiev, M. A. Gavrilova, University 2014.

2) Fundamentals of digital audio and video. Part 2″ — V. P. Razinkin, A. D. Mekhtiev, J. V. Kim, V. V. Yugay, M. A. Gavrilova, University 2014.

3)     «Цифрлы аудио және бейнетехника негіздері. 1 бөлім» — – В.П. Разинкин, Г.Г. Таткеева, А.Д. Мехтиев, М.А. Гаврилова, КарГТУ 2015.

4)     «Цифрлы аудио және бейнетехника негіздері. 2 бөлім» — В.П. Разинкин, А.Д. Мехтиев, Ю.В. Ким, В.В. Югай, М.А. Гаврилова, КарГТУ 2015.

5) “Ingenerally Gielen sends teorisini and diagnostically negs regeler” — J. A. Secretary, V. M. Levin, G. G. Tedeev, A. D. Mekhtiev . M. A. Gavrilov, University 2015.

6) ” Antenna-feeder devices — -V. V. Yugay, O. V. aldoshina, M. A. Gavrilova, N. B. Kaliaskarov, Karstu 2018.

7) “the basics of electronic technology and izmeritelnoi” — Vladimir Yugay, M. A. Gavrilov, N. B. Kaliaskarov.

8)” Computer modeling in telecommunication systems ” — G. A. Belik, M. A. Gavrilova., Karstu 2018.

Teaches following disciplines:

1) radio automation, radio relay and satellite stations

2) Antenna feeder devices

3) Theory of electromagnetic wave transmission

4) digital and wireless communication Technologies

5) Computer modeling in communication systems

phone: 8 (7212) 56-75-94 additional 2060



Шоғырланған қызмет көрсетудің цифрлық желілері

Радиопередающие устройства систем мобильной связи

Tel: 8 (7212) 56-75-94, additional tel. number 2060
