Esenzholov Ulan Serikovich


Position – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems.

Basic education – Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, majoring in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications. Master of Technical Sciences with a degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications.

He has been working at the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems since 2014. Work experience 8 years. He teaches in the disciplines “Fundamentals of Building and Modeling Communication Systems”, “Corporate Communication Networks”, “Wireless Communication Technologies”, “Digital Communication Technologies”, “Computer Networks in Telecommunications” and “Digital Integrated Service Systems” in the state language.

He has 20 publications and articles in conferences and journals, including 2 articles in journals included in the Scopus database. He is a co-author in several patents and copyrights, has published 5 textbooks in the state language on the subjects taught.

Tel: 8 (7212) 56-75-94, additional tel. number 2060
