Duysenbekova Saltanat Dulatkyzy

Education: higher education, specialty “Information security systems”, qualification “Engineer of engineering and Technology” (2014), Master’s degree in “Computer Engineering and Software”, qualification “Master of Technical Sciences” (2017).

Academic experience: working time in the map since 2017.

Subjects taught: Information and communication technologies, audit of information security systems, discrete mathematics, mathematical foundations of information security

Certificates: – Certificate of internship at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in 2016;

- Online seminars on the resources of Clarivateanalytics for scientific research, on the topic: “Information tools for the analysis of scientific activity”, 2018;

- MOOC certificate in the disciplines “Information and communication technologies”, “Parameterlik modeldeu”, 2020;

- Certificate of entry of information into the state “Information and communication technologies”,” Parametric Modeling”, 2020 G.;

- The introduction of Sweden in the State Register of rights to objects, published by the author’s Law No. 16516 from April 12, 2021.

These important publications for the last five years: 1. International scientific journal “Young Scientist”: № 24 (128), 2016 — 19-22 S., et al. Kokkoz M. M., Duisenbekova S. D.

2. International scientific journal “Young Scientist”: № 9 (143), 2017 – 28-31 S., et al. Kokkoz M. M., Duisenbekova S. D.

3. “Research and creation of algorithms and models for data transfer in a high-scale cloud storage system”, Kazakhstan, “Trudi University”, №4, 202