Divak Lyudmila Anatolievna

Divak-L.A.-229x300Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of BMaT

Karaganda State Technical University, specialty: “Production of building materials, products and structures.” Qualifications: engineer – technologist – builder, 2001;
Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketov, specialty: “Professional study”. Qualifications: engineer – teacher, teacher of special disciplines and information technology, 2002.

Postgraduate education:
Karaganda State Technical University, magistracy in the specialty “Production of building materials, products and structures.” Qualification: Master of Engineering and Technology, 2010.

Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held:
2008-2009 – Assistant of the Chair of the Moscow Academy of Art;
2009-2010 – training in the magistracy;
2010-2013 – Assistant of the Department of CMS;
2013-2015 – Lecturer, Department of CMS;
2015-2016 – Lecturer of the Department of SM & T.

Main publications over the past 5 years:
1 Study of the flame retardant properties of polymeric intumescent coatings // Modern problems of science and education, №2, 2012
2 Investigation of the weather resistance of intumescent fire retardant coatings // Fundamental research, No. 4 (part 3), 2013. p. 571-574
3 Sand and crushed stone from iron ore dressing waste for fine concrete // Fundamental research, No. 10 (part 11), 2013.- p.2445-2449
4 Corrosion Protection of Metal Span Structures of Railway Bridges // Klyuhovi vprosi in modern science -2013, 17-25 aproil, 2013.- p. 26-31
5 The influence of the complex modifier of KZB on the properties of foam concrete // Basic research, №11 (part 8), 2013.- p. 1567-1570
6 Interaction of the university and the enterprise in the formation of the professional competence of the bachelor of engineering and technology // Proceedings of the regional scientific-practical conference “The fateful decisions of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on the formation of a new Kazakhstan ”, Karaganda, KSTU, 2013, p. 282-285
7 Free oscillations of a viscous fluid in communicating vessels // Fundamental research, No. 9 (part 10), 2014.- p.2157-2164
8 On the new hypothesis of plasticity in the technology of extrusion molding of concrete mix // Basic Research, №2 (part 18), 2015.- p. 3921-3925
9 Heat Insulation Materials Based Cenospheres // Appied Mechanics and Materials, January 2015.- p. 383-390
10 Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS №000510 Cost-effectiveness of the use of extrusion technology, 01/06/2015

Subjects and courses read in the school year:
“Artificial construction conglomerates”; “Building ceramics I”; “Concrete Aggregates”; “The use of industrial waste in the production of concrete and ceramic materials”; “Waterproofing materials”; “Thermal insulation and acoustic materials” – lectures – 4 hours, laboratory work – 12 hours, practical classes -5 hours; “Automation and automation”; “Heat engineering and heat engineering equipment of enterprises of concrete and ceramic materials”, “Technology of concrete I”, “Binding agents” – lectures – 6 hours, laboratory work – 10 hours, practical exercises -8 hours

- took courses “Modern approaches to the organization of educational work in a technical university (2013),
- attended the course “Educational complex aimed at improving religious studies literacy” (2014),
- listened to a series of lectures by Dr. PhD of the University of Leeds (UK), Joseph Kangwa (2014).
- I listened to the course of lectures by prof., Ph.D. Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin, Russia) L. Ilina (2015).
- successfully completed the courses “Basics of working with the 3dmax graphic editor”, “Basics of working in MicrosoftWord”, “Basics of computer literacy”, “Basics of working in the Internet” (2016);
-planned upgrading at the enterprise LLP “KKK Concrete”, included in the map of industrialization of the Karaganda region (2016-2017 academic year).

Work phone: 8 (7212) 56-78-44
Internal phone: 1031
Email address lesikdi@mail.ru

Scientific works: