Full name, date of birth | Dhomane Inessa Anatolyevna, 04.11.1980 |
Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) | Head.Department of Architecture and Design,
Senior Lecturer (full-time) |
What university, what specialty, and when you graduated. Academic degree, title | 2020-2023 КазАТУ of S. Seifullin KazATU, doctoral studies in the specialty 8D “Architecture”;
2012-2014-CHU Karaganda University “Bolashak”, 6M070300 “Information systems”, Master of Technical Sciences; 2005-2008-Karaganda State Technical University, 050704 “Computer Engineering and Software”, Bachelor’s degree in “VTiPO”; 1999-2004 – Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, specialtyьность “Design” |
Working in the division, including dates of employment and position | 2017 – 2019 – Department of Architecture and design, teacher;
2019-2020 – Department of Architecture and design, senior lecturer; 2023 at present.BP. – Department of Architecture and design, head of the Department; |
Work in other departments and organizations (specify date and position) | 2004-2009 – KSTU, engineer DEP.Shh, part-time assistant of the department.TSS;
2009-2010-IP “Sinter Kazakhstan”, manager; 2010-2011 – LLP “Karagromash”, marketing manager; 2011-2016-Technological College at KSTU, teacher; 2016-2017-LLP “YuwertKazakhstan”, Web-designer; 2017-2017-LLP “NewRekStar” – designer;
Main research interests | “Humanization urban environment by methods of reconstruction of courtyard space in residential buildings of the industrial housing construction period of the 60-80s гг of the XXcentury”
Main publications for the last 5 years |
Membership in scientific and professional societies | - |
Awards and prizes awarded | - |
Subjects and courses taught by the teacher | - 3DModeling;
- Fundamentals of conceptual design; - Corporate identity; - Pre-graduate project |
Other responsibilities performed during the academic year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally | Curator;
All duties in accordance with the job description of the head of the Department |
of Advanced Training | 28.11.2023-25.12.2023 “Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activities of a university teacher” in the amount of 36 hours, КарТУ имени Abylkas Saginov University;
20.11.2023-20.12.2023 ” Methodology for developing an architectural project taking into account modern requirements to the stages and conditions of design” in the amount of 144 hours, “Design Bureau Basis” LLP, Karaganda; |