Dhomane Inessa Anatolyevna


Full name, date of birth Dhomane Inessa Anatolyevna, 04.11.1980
Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) Head.Department of Architecture and Design,

Senior Lecturer


What university, what specialty, and when you graduated. Academic degree, title 2020-2023 КазАТУ of S. Seifullin KazATU, doctoral studies in the specialty 8D   “Architecture”;

2012-2014-CHU Karaganda University “Bolashak”, 6M070300 “Information systems”, Master of Technical Sciences;

2005-2008-Karaganda State Technical University, 050704 “Computer Engineering and Software”, Bachelor’s degree in “VTiPO”;

1999-2004 – Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov,

specialtyьность “Design”

Working in the division, including dates of employment and position 2017 – 2019 – Department of Architecture and design, teacher;

2019-2020 – Department of Architecture and design, senior lecturer;

2023 at present.BP. – Department of Architecture and design, head of the Department;

Work in other departments and organizations (specify date and position) 2004-2009 – KSTU, engineer DEP.Shh, part-time assistant of the department.TSS;

2009-2010-IP “Sinter Kazakhstan”, manager;

2010-2011 – LLP “Karagromash”, marketing manager;

2011-2016-Technological College at KSTU, teacher;

2016-2017-LLP “YuwertKazakhstan”, Web-designer;

2017-2017-LLP “NewRekStar” – designer;


Main research interests “Humanization urban environment by methods of reconstruction of courtyard space in residential buildings of the industrial housing construction period of the 60-80s гг of the XXcentury”


Main publications for the last 5 years
  • BorisevichYu.. A., DhomaneI..A., SamorayD..НN.Training features for students of design and constructive specialties of KSTU. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the National Plan “(Saginovsky Readings No. 11), Karaganda: KSTU, 2019-pp. 47-49;
  • p. Kropachev, M. Imanov, J. Borisevich, I.Dhomane. Information technologies and the future of education In the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, – Nur-Sultan, 2020 – p.31-39$
  • Kravchenko V. S., Dkhomane I. A.., Borisevich Yu. A. Analysis of the conceptual solution of the research center of agro-industrial technologies in the structure of”Ecopark” of Karaganda city. Architecture and architectural environment: issues of historical and modern development: materials of the international scientific and practical conference: collection of articles / ed.by A. B. Khramtsov. Volume I. Tyumen: TIU Publ., 2020.$
  • Dhomane I. A., Zhusupbekov A. Zh . “Implementation of the Conceptual Shaping of Bionic Architecture Through Computer Parametric Modeling”; Вестник Kazgas Bulletin, 2022;
  • Dhomane I. A., Zhusupbekov A. Zh . “Existing problems of courtyard territories in Kazakhstan on the example of the city of Karaganda” Вестник Kazgas Bulletin, 2022;
  • Dhomane I. A., Lyubchenko M. V. ” State and prospects of renovation inner courtyards of residential development in the city of Karaganda”, PROCEEDINGS OF the International Scientific And Practical Conference ” Integration of Science, Education And Production-The Basis For Implementing The National Plan “(Sagin Readings No. 14);
  • Dhomane I., Borisevich Yu. (2024). Reconstruction of landscaping and landscaping of residential buildings in the 70s-80s in the south-east of Karaganda. Bulletin of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Series “Technical Sciences and Technologies”,147(2), 111-122. https://doi.org/10.32523/2616-7263-2024-147-2-111-122
Membership in scientific and professional societies -
Awards and prizes awarded -
Subjects and courses taught by the teacher -       3DModeling;

-       Fundamentals of conceptual design;

-       Corporate identity;

-       Pre-graduate project

Other responsibilities performed during the academic year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally Curator;

All duties in accordance with the job description of the head of the Department

of Advanced Training 28.11.2023-25.12.2023 “Interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific and pedagogical activities of a university teacher” in the amount of 36 hours, КарТУ имени Abylkas Saginov University;

20.11.2023-20.12.2023 ” Methodology for developing an architectural project taking into account modern requirements to the stages and conditions of design” in the amount of 144 hours, “Design Bureau Basis” LLP, Karaganda;