Derbush Svetlana Nikolaevna


Faculty: fit
Academic degree: associate Professor, candidate of biological Sciences
Position: associate Professor of the Department

In 1987 she entered the faculty of biology of Karaganda State University. E. A. Buketova, who graduated in 1992 with a degree in Biology. Teacher of biology and chemistry”.
Since March 1992 until November 2003, she worked at the National Center of occupational health and diseases of the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan as a laboratory assistant, research Intern, Junior researcher of the laboratory of muscle activity and then a researcher of the laboratory of industrial toxicology.
In 2000, she defended her thesis on “the Influence of permanent magnetic fields and physical activity on the ionic homeostasis of skeletal muscles in the experiment”, specialty 03.00.13 – human and animal Physiology at the research Institute “human and animal Physiology”. Almaty.Since September 2002, she began working part-time at the Kazakhstan pharmaceutical Institute as a senior lecturer of the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of medical and biological disciplines, in November 2003 she moved to a permanent job as an associate Professor of the said Department.
In 2006 she received the title of associate Professor of VAK in the specialty “Biology”.
In September 2009, she started to work as an associate Professor of the Department of industrial ecology and chemistry of the mining Institute of Karaganda technical University, specialty 5B070100 – Biotechnology, where she is currently working.
He is the author of more than 70 scientific and methodical works.

some indices elektrolitnogo exchange in the dynamics of magnetic therapy in patients with spinal cord injuries.
Ecology, labor and health of the population of Central Kazakhstan.
Thesis Doc. science.-practical conference of young scientists and specialists, February 16-17, 1993 – Karaganda, 1993.- P. 51.
Possibility of correction of reflex activity of the spinal cord segmental apparatus under the influence of a constant magnetic field in patients with spinal cord lesions.
Abstracts of the international conference of CIS countries “Correction and management of functional state in the process of labor activity”.- Karaganda, 1993.- P. 81.
Influence of physical activity on the electrolyte composition of skeletal muscles in experimental rats. Actual problems of preventive medicine.- Karaganda, 1995.- P. 9-11.
Comparative integrated environmental assessment of settlements of Aktobe region of the Aral sea area. International journal of applied and fundamental research.- №4.- 2018.- Pp. 116-119.
Responsible for educational and methodical work of the Department, for seminars at the Department.

Work phone: 56-79-32
Email address:

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