Demin Vladimir Fedorovich


Faculty of Mining

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Engineering Sciences, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Mining Sciences.

Position: Professor.

Research areas: development of thin and complex-structured coal seams; geomechanics in mining; improvement of technology, methods and means to increase the efficiency of coal seam development in the Karaganda basin with the construction of support in workings taking into account the stress-strain state of the rock mass; development of hazardous seams.

Over the past five years (2019–2024) of scientific and pedagogical activity, more than 200 scientific printed works have been published: 56 scientific articles, including 21 rating publications (in the Scopus database), 32 abstracts of reports at international conferences, 12 monographs; 20 patents received; 15 objects of intellectual property of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Biografiya V 1974g. okonchil Karagandinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (KarPTI), v 1990g. — ochnuyu aspiranturu KarPTI po spetsial’nosti «Podzemnaya razrabotka mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh». S 1974 po 1975g. rabotal starshim inzhenerom, s 1975 po 1981g. — starshim nauchnym sotrudnikom, s 1981 po 1983g. — zaveduyushchim otraslevoy laboratorii «Sistem razrabotki kaliynykh rud dlinnymi ochistnymi zaboyami» pri KarPTI; s 1983 po 1988g. — assistentom, s 1988 po 1989g. — starshim prepodavatelem, s 1989 po 2007g. — dotsentom kafedry RMPI KarGTU; s 1987 po 1988 g. — stazher kafedry gornogo dela i geotekhniki Fraybergskoy gornoy akademii (Germaniya); s 1990 po 2001 g. — gornym masterom shakhty im. Kostenko UD OAO «Ispat-Karmet»; s 2001 po 2003g. — starshim nauchnym sotrudnikom KarGTU; s 2004 po 2008g. i s 2017 po 2018g.— zaveduyushchim kafedroy RMPI; s 2008g. po 2015g. — professorom kafedry RMPI KarGTU; s 2015g. po 2016gg. — i.o. direktora departamenta nauki KarGTU. V 1980 g. zashchitil kandidatskuyu dissertatsiyu, v 2004g.–doktorskuyu dissertatsiyu. S 2017g. po nastoyashcheye vremya — professorom kafedry RMPI NAO «Karagandinskiy tekhnicheskiy universitet imeni Abylkasa Saginova».


Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2005);

Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Best University Teacher” (2008, 2013 and 2024); Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008); Badge “Miner’s Glory” 1st (2009), 2nd (2012), 3rd degree (2016); Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, 2008; Badge “Miner’s Glory” 3rd degree (Russia), 2014; 2019 – winner of the Karaganda competition “Zamandas” in the nomination “Kulibin Among Us”; 2022 – Prize named after Academician A.A. Skochinsky RAGS; 2024 – the badge “KR Gylymyn damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin.”

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