Kalibekova Kalamkas Sagyndykovna


Department: Transport and road Faculty

Academic degree: candidate of philological sciences

Academic title: associate professor

Position: Head of Department

“Kazakh language and culture”

In 1994 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the University. E.A. Buketov, 2007 under the direction of Doctor of Philology, Professor D. Yskakov. At the dissertation council of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Alpysynshy zhildardardy Qazak әdebi syni”. In 2011, the specialty “Literary Studies” was awarded the scientific degree of associate professor. She began her career as a teacher in 1994 at the Karaganda Pedagogical University. She worked in this educational institution in 1994-1996, 1996-2008. She worked in the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova. Since 2008, he has been working as the head of the Kazakh language and culture department at Karaganda State Technical University. More than 30 articles were published in international conferences and in republican scientific journals, the author of several educational complexes. Kalamkas Sagyndykkyzy Kalybekova was awarded with these and other diplomas, diplomas:

• Diploma of the I degree in the festival of the second regional copper – lessons;

• For active participation in the preparation of the regional festival under the name “Memlekettik til – dostik pen kelіsіm tіregі”;

• Awarded a letter of thanks to the head of the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region I.Yu. Lyubarskaya for the development of languages, culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan and for holding patriotic work

• A letter of thanks from the rector of the University. E.A. Buketova E.K. Kubeeva for active participation, for training students in the contest “Kyz syni”;

• Diploma of the Republican Television and Radio Corporation;

• Letter of thanks from Major General R. Zhaksylykov;

• Letter of thanks from the rector of the University “Bolashak” N. O. Dulatbekova for participating in the competition “Memlekettik til – menin tilim”

• Letters of thanks from the rector of KTU A.M Gazaliyev for: organization of Internet Olympiad among schoolchildren of Karaganda region; for organizing the competition “Aytys” among schoolchildren of the city of Karaganda.

• Awarded the letter of thanks to the dean of the Faculty of Philology of the KSU named after. M. Buketov for participation in the round table “Tugan tili – tіregіm”.

Work phone: 56-59-32

internal telephone: 2049 Email address: kaIam09@mail.ru

Scientific works

Electronic Kazakh textbook

Teaching program for students

Theoretical texts

The prose in dramatic works is the way in which the sayings are presented