Beysembaev Dias Madatovich




Full name, date of birth: Beisembayev Dias Madatovich, May 31, 1992.


Work experience: total experience is 5 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 5 years.


Position: lecturer of the department “Industrial Transport named after A.N. Daniyarov”.


Which university, in which specialty and when he graduated: Karaganda State Technical University, “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport” in 2014.


Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Science in the specialty 5B11301 “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”, 2016, KSTU.


Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:


2016-2017 – Head of the laboratory of the Department “Industrial Transport named after A.N. Daniyarov”


2017-present – lecturer of the Department “Industrial Transport named after A.N. Daniyarov”.


Main research interests: Industrial transport, conveyor transport, development of machinery and equipment.


Main publications: 30 gylym zhumys, 15 bayandama theses, 2 makala-RGDI, 1 innovation patent, 2 IAZH zhariyalands; 8 oku kuraly shygaryldy.


Subjects to be read in the academic year: Biryngai kol’ik zhuyesi, kol’ik turlerinin ozara is-kimily, zhuk operatsiyalaryn keshendi mechanikalandyru zhane automattandyru.


Advanced training:


06.05.20219-20.05.2019 – advanced training courses in the direction of “Industrial railway transport”


08.06.2020-20.06.2020 – advanced training courses “New platforms and DOT formats. Creation of virtual laboratory works”


11.10.2021-29.10.2021 – advanced training courses in the direction of “Industrial railway transport” LLP “Kaztransprommash Company”


18.10.2021-28.10.2021 – advanced training courses “Cyberculture, cyber hygiene and working with big data”


22.11.2021-26.11.2021 – advanced training courses “Improvement of pedagogical skills”


March 2021 – advanced training courses at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov.


17.01.22-05.02.22 – online refresher courses in the amount of 72 hours in the direction of “Modeling of transport processes” of SibADI.


03.03.-29.03.2022 – advanced training courses in the amount of 36 hours in the direction of “Industrial railway transport” of the Department of KPTU JSC “AMT” Karaganda


Contact information: working tel. 56-24-32 (ext. 2051)


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  3. Методологические основы экономико-математических моделей оценки транспортных средств и систем (ссылка