Balandin Vitaly Sergeevich


Balandin Vitaly Sergeevich


Between 2002 and 2003. studied at the master’s program at Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Electrical Power Engineering.

Since 2002, he has been working at the Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov as an assistant in the Department of Energy Systems, and since 2004 as a teacher in the Department of Energy Systems, and since 2007 as a senior lecturer in the Department of Energy Systems.

From 2012 to 2022, he was Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications.

Since 2022, he has been the Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Department of Energy Systems and a member of the Academic Council of the University.

In 2010, 2016, 2021 Balandin V.S. the rector’s gratitude was announced for his creative work, professionalism, dedication and significant contribution to the development of the University.

Since 2018, he has been a member of The Association of Energy Engineers as a Certified Energy Auditor (CEA).

Since 2019, he has been a certified energy auditor in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the period from 2012 to 2015. was the executor on the topics of grant funding for scientific research: “Development and implementation into production of a domestic information-measuring system for determining the concentration of methane”, “Development of methods for increasing the efficiency of heat supply systems for housing and communal services with the establishment of optimal thermal parameters”, 2018 – 2020 “Implementation of a resource-saving heat supply system for the energy-efficient operation of decentralized facilities.”

The results of these studies were put into production at NPF Ergonomics LLP, Teplotransit LLP, and Sanatorium Zhosaly LLP.

Since 2023, he has been an executor on the topic of grant funding for scientific research “Development and creation of a pilot industrial model of an innovative passenger pneumatic lift for residential buildings.”

He completed internships at leading industrial enterprises in the region, such as Karaganda Zharyk LLP, NPF Ergonomics LLP, Megalight engineering LLP, Kazpromavtomatika LLP, Energy system LLP LLP, and also in 2022 he completed an internship in Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia).

Balandin V.S. has more than 80 printed scientific and methodological works, including 10 textbooks and 1 textbook in English, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 articles in Scopus databases, 2 monographs, 7 articles in the RSCI database, 1 innovative patent and 5 utility patents model of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 7 certificates of intellectual property, 2 certificates of deposit of intellectual property objects of the Euro-Asian Depository of Copyright Works.

Balandin V.S. gives lectures for students in the educational program 6B0709 “Electrical Power Engineering” in the disciplines “Electrical Power Engineering”, “Relay Protection and Automation in Power Supply Systems”, “Energy Efficiency and Fundamentals of Energy Saving”, “Electrical Systems and Networks”, “Fundamentals of Electrical Safety and High Voltage Engineering”.

Balandin V.S. During his work, he proved himself to be a competent and qualified specialist, a skillful organizer of educational, scientific and educational processes.

Work phone: 56-75-98

Internal phone: 1027

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