Teacher’s resume
- Full Name, date ofbirth:AuelbekovaArailymZhorovna, 1988.
- Phone, e-mail: gracio888@mail.ru.
- Position:Senior Lecturer, Department of RA and OT.
- Education:Karaganda State University named after EA. Buketova, BachelorofEcology, 2010, MasterofScience, 2012
- “National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University” “Researcher. Teacher-researcher” postgraduate diploma, 2020.
- teacher (2012-2014); Senior Lecturer of the department of RA and OT (2015 to the present).
- Major publications:
Техническое регулирование и обеспечение единства измерений в химической технологии (монография) – Караганда: типография «Идилия tip», 2016 ISBN 978-601-7884-04-8;
The Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Aflatoxins B1 and M1 on a Glassy-Carbon Electrode / G.B. Slepchenko, T.M. Gindullina, M. A.Gavrilova, A.Zh.Auelbekova // Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 9 May 2018;
An electrochemical sensor for detecting selenium in biological fluids on an arenediazonium tosylate-modified metal electrode/Slepchenko, G.B., Moiseeva, E.S., Dorozhko, E.V., Auelbekova, A., N’Jung, F.K.//Analytical Method, 2021, 13(13).
Қалалардың экология-лық қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз етуде жасыл екпелердің маңызы/ Мейрбеков А.Т., Бахов Ж.К., Жолмагамбетов Н.Р., Суимбаева А.М., Ауелбекова А.Ж.// Труды Университета, 2021. – №2(83). – С.90-95.
Review analysis of modern methods for determining ore dilution/ Суимбаева А.М., Имашев А., Махмудов Д., Ауелбекова А.// Труды Университета, 2023. – №3(92). – С.166-171.
Subjects and courses: Ecology, Harmful substances in industry, Engineering ecology, Ecology of industries, Ecology of mining production.
Other duties: Secretary of the Undergraduate and Graduate Attestation Committee of the RA and OT Department.
- Advancedtraining:
JSC «National Center for Advanced Studies Orleu», Almaty, July 2, 2016;
Courses «Training Workshop on Engineering Pedagogy», certificate dated April 27, 2015.
Advanced training courses in the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Karaganda region under the program «Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development» from 11.01.2016. on January 22, 2016.
Courses «Training Seminar on Engineering Pedagogy», certificate from 01.22.2016.
Advanced training courses in the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Karaganda region under the program «Environmental Protection and Environmental Management» from 11.01.2016. on January 22, 2016.
Refresher courses in FAH NI TPU on the basis of LLC «UMH»«Voltamperometric determination of organic substances and inorganic elements in the environment», June 2018, Tomsk.
Refresher courses in FAH NI TPU on the basis of LLC «UMH»«Voltamperometric determination of heavy metals in environmental objects», December 2018, Tomsk.