Atambayev Zhasulan Nurbayevich

Жасулан фото

Faculty: mechanical engineering
Degree: Magister

Position:senior lecturer of Department of nanotechnology and metallurgy


22.08.2000-22.09.2000 years the leading specialist of the Department of safety and navigation control on waterway transport in transport control Committee of MT and T RK (Astana);

01.10.2000 – 30.10.2000years the translator of the Kazakh language, the Agency of the RK on investments MF RK (Astana);

30.01.2001-14.05.2001 years LLP “Kazakhmys”. The moulder machine-moulding, rank 3

02.07.2001 year lecturer of the Department of MLP and KM KSTU

20.11.2001 year Intern-researcher of the Department of MLP and KM KSTU

01.12.2003 yearassistant of the Department of MLP and KM KSTU

01.03.2004 year senior lecturer of Department ofMLP and KM KSTU

01.09.2004 year Deputy Dean of faculty of mechanical engineeringKSTU

01.11.2005 year enrolled in postgraduate school at the KSTU

02.09.2008-01.08.2011 years senior lecturer of Department of MLP and KM KSTU

01.08.20011-28.06.2012 years the translator of the Kazakh language LLP «Saryarka – ENERGY»

02.07.2012 – 01.03.2013 years expert (industrial safety) LLP “Harmantepe”

13.03.2013 – 01.07.2013 years the translator of the Kazakh language LLP «GRK Baizhasar»

02.09.2013 year senior lecturer of Department of MM and N KSTU

2013-2016 years magistrate on speciality «Мetallurgy»

04.05.2014 year Deputy Dean for educational work of KSTU MF

- For the high pedagogical skills, scientific and methodological level of teaching and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the University gratitude was announced;

- for long-term fruitful scientific and pedagogical, educational work in the training of engineers in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Department of MLP and KM awarded a diploma;

- Winner of the II prize of the International youth competition of innovative projects of aerospace technologies and materials. For the innovative project “Nanoplasma protection of materials employed in plasma” (2006 year)

- The best translator in technical translation among the teaching staff, organized by the center of the Trinity of languages at KSTU (2009,2010 years)

Оffice phone: 8(7212) 565935

Іnternal telephone: 1082

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