Zhuldis Alshinbaeva

Алшынбаева Ж.Е.
Education – higher pedagogy and psychology

PhD doctor, associate professor of the Department of Professional education and pedagogy.

Information about the current educational activities – list of readable disciplines) – Theory and methods of educational work, Pedagogy, Psychology, Psychology and human development, professional psychology

Information on scientific activities: the number of articles of international, national and regional status – 60, including: 10 in the publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, 3 in the journals included in the information base of the company Scopus (Elsiver) with non-zero impact factor, 3 in the journals included in the RSCI, as well as published 6 electronic textbooks with copyright certificate, 4 manuals, 3 working training programs practices, 4 guidelines.

General teaching experience-22

Teaching experience of the University-15

Individual professional achievements: knowledge of English with a dictionary; computer at the user level

Other additional information –personal qualities, Hobbies, etc.) – responsibility, sociability, hobby – reading books

Official contact information (address, phone, e-mail Department, faculty) – B. Mira, 56, building № 1, tel. 56-52-33,

e-mail: zhuldys_eldosovna@mail.ru

Scientific and educational works (with links):

List of scientific works (Список научных трудов)