Akimzhanova Kundyz Tanibergenovna


Akimzhanova Kundyz Tanibergenovna


Faculty: FIT


Degree: Master of Biological Sciences


Position: teacher of the Department of chemistry andchemistry technology




In 2008 she graduated from the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov specialty “Biology”


From 2013-2014 she worked as an engineer of the department “Zoology” of the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketova


In 2015 she graduated from the master degree of Karaganda State University named after academician E. Buketov specialty “Biology”

In 2016 she works in Karaganda State Technicial University as teacher of the Department of chemistry andchemistry technology

The list of scientific works:


1. Ways to study metabolic changes in the body due to the effects of industrial factors .Topical issues of ecology: Materials of International scientific-practical conference-Karaganda, 2013- B. 195-200.


2. Communication between nature and society. Materials of International scientific-practical conference zoology of centuries Karaganda, 2014- p. 95-98.


3. Newdefinitions of cellular metabolism in the production environment Modern botany: biodiversity, biodiversity, biotechnology. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Karaganda, 2014- p. 135-139.


4. Changes in cellular metabolic mechanisms when exposed to industrial factors. Bulletin of Karaganda University. Biology. Medicine. Geography Series №1 (77) / Karaganda, 2015- p. 90-98.


5. Functional state of physical performance in students with different levels of knowledges. The collection of scientific articles on the international scientific-practical conference «Theory and practice of modern scientific knowledge. The problem. Prognosis. Reshenia, April 19-20. -Sant-Petersburg, 2017.-P.6-9.


6. The science of new time, while preserving the past, creating the future. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the international scientific and practical conference




Fax number: 56-79-32


Email address:akimzhanova.87@mail.ru