Akimbekova Bakhyt Bazylovna


Faculty: fit
Academic degree: candidate of technical Sciences
Academic title: associate Professor
Position: associate Professor

Biography: 17.10.1953 G. R. Responsible for educational and methodical work on the section “mineral Processing”. . Education — higher. He graduated from the University them. E. Buketova, specialty “Chemistry”, Ph. D. — 1993 In KTU since 2005.
Publications: Technology of copper-sulfide ores using a new reagent. Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress. – Bulgaria,june 12-16, 2013. – v. 1, p.451-453. Flotation of copper minerals. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference – Tambov, September 30, 2013. — Part 3 – ISBN 978-5-4343-0377-4, Pp. 85-87. Mathematical modeling of the experiment in flotation of copper ores. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference – Tambov, September 30, 2013. — Part 12 – ISBN ISBN 978-5-4343-0389-7, Pp. 150-152. Registerd recettes mechanism. Proceedings of the international Scientific and practical conference “Science and education – the leading factors of the Strategy “Kazakhstan — 2050″, Saginov Readings № 5, June 20-21, 2013 Part 4. P. 269-271. Assistantare, chanan orau and orshan artane orau. Publishing House Of The University. Karaganda, 15.03.2016 g. ISBN 976-601-315-081-9. Complexing reagents modifiers and their effect on flotation. The Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Chemistry Series. № 2 (86)/2017. P. 93 – 98. Karaganda , 2017.

Work phone: 56-79-32
Email address: -akimbekova.b@mail.ru

Акимбекова Б.Б. список трудов