Akenov Serik Shakirovich


Full name, date of birth.

Akenov Serik Shakirovich , 10/04/64

If the teacher is represented on the website of his/her university, please indicate this.

http://person.kstu.kz/ akenov – serik – shakirovich /.

Position (indicate full-time or part-time employment, if part-time, indicate main activity and time (in percentages) spent on it).

Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University (full-time employment).

What university, specialty and when graduated. Academic degree, title.

Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, majoring in “Industrial Transport”, qualification – industrial transport engineer, 1987.

Karaganda State Technical University, majoring in Economics and Management, qualification – economist , 1999.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy (2010, Karaganda Economic University).

Unit employment, including dates of employment and positions held.

2005-2009 Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Transport, Karaganda State Technical University.

2012-2015 Associate Professor of the Department of Management at Karaganda University ” Bolashak “.

2016 Currently, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at Karaganda Technical University.

Work in other departments and organizations (indicate dates and positions held).

Design Department of transport vehicles and complexes of the Karaganda Research, Design and Experimental Institute ” Giprouglegormash ” from 1987-1991 . Design engineer, 2nd category,

I worked as the head of a manufacturing commercial enterprise from 1991-2000 .

I worked in senior positions in the akimats of Karaganda and the Karaganda region from 2000-2016.

Main scientific interests.

Innovative and investment development of the economy, transport economics.

Main publications in the last 5 years.

1.Akenov S.Sh., Baybosynov S.B., Kasymova N.Sh., Priority directions for the development of transport and logistics infrastructure in Kazakhstan at the present stage, Vestnik of KarSU : Series “ Economics” -2019.-No.3(95). – P.201-209.

  1. Akenov S.Sh., Talimova L.A., Zhukenov B.M., Sayfullina Yu.M., Priority directions of innovative and technological development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, Bulletin of the University “Turan” – 2020. – No. 4 (88). – P. 219-223.

3. Shametova  A . A. , Akhmetzhanov , B., Tazhibekova , K., Urazbekov , A., Akenov , S., Tulupova , S Enhancing eco-economic efficiency of mineral deposit exploration to achieve sustainable development in the mining industry of Kazakhstan// Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, Great Britain: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. – 2020.- Vol.14. – No. 3/4. – P. 212-228.

4. Akenov S.Sh., Pritvorova T.P., Zambinova Z. Intersectoral partnership in the context of corporate social responsibility : valuation and promising models, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law-2021.-No.6, volume 11.-P.1469- 1484.

  1. Akenov S.Sh., Talimova G.U., Taubaev A.A., Malelov N.T. Comparative analysis of the functioning of quasi-state institutions of public-private partnership in Kazakhstan, Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade-2021.- No. 4(45).- P.37-42.

6. Akenov S.Sh., Khasenov M.M. Problematic issues of stimulating small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade-2022.-No. 3(48).-P.228-233.

7. Akenov S.Sh., Shametova A.A., Khasenov M.M. The effectiveness of measures to financially support small and medium-sized businesses during the coronavirus crisis in Kazakhstan // Republican journal “Proceedings of the University”. – Karaganda: KarTU named after Abylkas Saginova , 2023. – No. 2 (91). – pp. 299-304.


Membership in scientific and professional societies.

2019-2020   Chairman of the SCC in the Educational program of PhD studies 8D04102 State and local

management at KEU of Kazpotrbsoyuz.

Awards and prizes awarded.

There are awards, commendations and records of encouragement in honor of significant dates and events.

Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

Semester 1, 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Discipline “ Operational Management”, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.
  • Discipline “ Quality Management”, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

•Discipline “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

2 semester:

•Discipline “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

Discipline “Engineering Entrepreneurship”, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.

Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week.

Responsible for concluding agreements on student practice, concluding business agreements with enterprises and organizations, responsible for advanced training courses at manufacturing enterprises, responsible for dual training.


Professional Development.

1. Completed advanced training courses at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topics:

• “Management and Human Resources Management” in 2007,

• “Methods of corporate governance in the process of making management decisions” in 2009.

• “Modernization of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in 2012.

2. Courses “Improving Pedagogical Skills” from 22-26.11. 2021( 40 hours), KarTU

3. Сourses on “Economic analysis of enterprise activities and strategic management” from 02/06/23 to 02/28/23 (72 hours), Odessa Polytechnic National University (Odessa, Ukraine);

4. Courses on “Enterprise Management” from 12/01/23 to 12/28/23, (72 hours),  LLP “ TechService 2006 ” Karaganda.