Abisheva Alina Serikovna


Abisheva Alina Serikovna


Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Job title

Assistant of the Department of «Building materials and technologies»

Which university, what specialty and when did you graduate Academic degree, title.

KSTU, bachelor in the specialty “Production of building materials, products and structures”

KSTU, Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty “Production of building materials, products and structures”

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

From 2021 to present – assistant at the Department of «Building materials and technologies»,

Work in other departments and organizations (indicate dates and positions held).

LLC “Olivia” VET engineer 09.2020 – 02.2021

Subjects and courses.

-Quality control inspection and testing in construction

-Engineering geology and soil mechanics

-Technology of construction production I

-Processes and apparatuses

-Automation and automation in the production of concrete and ceramic products”

-Engineering structures

-Water supply and sewerage systems

-Technology of concrete and reinforced concrete products

-Organization of construction production and estimating

-Mechanical equipment for construction industry enterprises

-Artificial building conglomerates

-Concrete technology I

-Building materials

-Architecture of civil buildings

-Architecture of civil and industrial buildings

Heating and ventilation systems

Heat engineering and heating equipment for concrete and ceramic products enterprises

Organization of construction production

Metrology, standardization, certification and quality management in the building materials industry

-Technology of reconstruction of buildings and structures

-Organization of construction production and estimating

-Concrete technology II

-Engineering geology and soil mechanics

-Technology of construction production

Other duties performed during the school year.

Responsible for the QMS of the department. Responsible for open classes, master classes, journals of mutual visits. Responsible for the book supply of the department for the EP PSK, Construction in Russian. He is the secretary of the department.

Professional development

“Anti-corruption management system” NJSC “Abylkas Saginov KTU”, 2022.

-“Technical inspection of building structures of buildings and structures”

LLC «Kurylysexpertproekt» , Karaganda, 2022

-“VR technologies and creation of interactive content” NI “Tomsk Polytechnic University”, Tomsk, 2023.