Full name, date of birth | Bekova Zhanat Madievna Madievna born |
on 24.01.1965 Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (in percent) spent on it) | Senior lecturer of the Department of AID(full-time) |
What university, what specialty, and when you graduated. Academic degree, title | 1982-1989-AASI, specialty – “AGiOZ”,2007-2009 2007-2009,KarGIU, civil engineer. |
Work in the division, including dates of employment and positions | held St .Lecturer of AIDof the Department of Information Security of the Faculty of ASF., Part-time since2010-2022. From 17.09.2022 to the present-Senior lecturer.art.lecturer АиДof the Department of Information Security of the Faculty of ASF. |
Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held) | 1990-1991-ACM, architect;.1992-2002 – private practice.architect;
2002-2003-TOO“PKPF Reconstruction”, architect; 2003-2005-TOO”Archstroy”,architect; 2005-2007-”Arch-Style”,architect; 2008-2013-”Arch-Style ” LLPPkpfrekonstruktsiya, architect; 2014-2014-JSCArcelor MittalTemirtau, architect; 2014-2016-SF ” NTS-252, GAP; 2017-2019-Luxs ТОО”Luxs Hous AstanaLLP,Director; 2019-2022-LLP”ProektnoeburoBazis-Director for Strategic Development and Internal Policy. 2022-present-LLP”Proektnoe buroBazis-Invited Consultant-Director for Strategic Planning and Internal Policy. |
Main research interests | Architecture of Ancient Kazakhstan |
Main publications over the past 5 years | - |
Membership in scientific and professional societies | - |
Awards and prizes awarded | - |
Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes / SRSP | Autumn semester2023-2024academic year 1.“Residentialbuildings with mixed floors”, KP-lectures-15; Seminars-60;SRSP-20.
2“ ” Engineering and environmental devices современннаятранспортнаясистема”-Лекции-15;СРСП-20.3 “ЗданияТоргово-развлекательногообслуживанияЛекции-15;Seminar sessions-120. Spring semester2023 – 2024 academic year. 1. Residential building of mixed storeys-Lectures-15; Seminars-120;SRSP-20. 2. Production practice2-38.3 .”Design of modern exhibitionand recreational spaces ” – Lectures-15; SRSP-30. 4. ” Residential district ” KP-Lectures-30; Seminars-135;SRSP-40.
Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally | Organization of advanced training courses at enterprises Advanced training |
Professional development |