Alkina Aliya Dauletkhanovna
Faculty: Power Engineering, Automation and Telecommunications
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Position: Acting Associate Professor
More than 30 years, she has been delivering courses in three languages in the disciplines: “Metrology and information measuring technology”, “Applied metrology and metrological testing”, “Metrological support of production”, “Metrology and uncertainty theory”, “Legal metrology”, “Metrology and radio measurements”. Actively introduces innovative and information learning technologies into the educational process. Winner of the title “Best University Teacher – 2019” (MES RK). Holder of the titles “Teacher of the Year – 2020”, “Teacher of the Year – 2021” of Karaganda Technical University. Holder of the title “Honored Metrologist of Kazakhstan -2022”. According to the IAAR general rating of the teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020, she was among the 50 best teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has a number of scientific achievements, which are reflected in 116 scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals, including 27 articles published in international scientific peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor, as well as included in the Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) and Scopus information databases. An assessment of her international scientific activity is the high citation rates of her scientific articles, which indicates the international significance and novelty of her research, which ensured a fairly high H-index: Scopus – 8. She is a co-author of 8 monographs, 6 textbooks, 1 textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are used in the educational process at Karaganda Technical University. She received 31 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Patent Organization, as well as 30 certificates of state registration of rights to the copyright object of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work phone: 56-75-98
Internal phone: 1027
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